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As Tomura, undeterred by Katsuki's refusal, issued orders to Kurogiri and Mr. Compress, the room buzzed with anticipation.

Katsuki, sensing the impending restraint, clenched his fists, itching to unleash his full power. However, a nagging fear crept in—he knew Kurogiri's formidable ability to create Warp Gates could complicate his escape plan.

With the villains closing in, Katsuki's mind raced, strategizing a way to break free. But in the midst of his thoughts, an unexpected interruption echoed through the hideout—a sudden knock on the door.

Confusion rippled through the room as the villains diverted their attention to the unexpected visitor. The voice on the other side of the door called out "Kamino's Pizza," a seemingly mundane delivery.

Yet, as the villains hesitated, unaware of the impending storm, All Might seized the opportunity.

A thunderous crash erupted as All Might burst through the opposite wall with an overpowering smash attack. The hideout quaked under the force, and debris scattered like confetti. The villains, now caught off guard, scrambled to react.

"Open a Warp Gate, Kurogiri!" Tomura barked, desperation tainting his voice.

But before Kurogiri could respond, Kamui Woods, the Lacquered Hero, swung into the room with remarkable finesse.

His Lacquered Chain Prison technique unfurled like a web, ensnaring the villains in an unyielding grip.

Dabi, attempting to use his fiery Quirk to burn through the restraints, found himself thwarted as Gran Torino blitzed into the room.

With a swift kick to the head, Dabi crumpled, his Quirk momentarily silenced.

The hideout, once shrouded in the dominance of the League of Villains, now became a battleground where heroes reigned supreme.

All Might, Kamui Woods, and Gran Torino stood united against the forces of darkness, their unwavering resolve echoing through the debris-laden air.

As the villains struggled against the chains of justice, Katsuki seized the chaos to make his move. The room became a symphony of clashes and clashes, a cacophony of heroism against villainy.

In the midst of the chaos, the young hero-in-training hatched a plan to reclaim his freedom, setting the stage for a confrontation that would reverberate through the shadows of both hero and villain alike.

In the midst of the chaotic confrontation, All Might, the Symbol of Peace, stood tall, commending his allies. His resonant voice echoed through the hideout as he declared, "We are here!"

The villains, ensnared by Kamui Woods' chains and facing the might of heroes united, found themselves on the defensive.

Mr. Compress, his realization etched across his face, muttered, "They planned this... on the same day as the U.A. press conference."

As the heroes maintained their relentless assault, Edgeshot, the Stealth Hero, utilized his Quirk to slip through the door unseen.

With finesse and precision, he unlocked the entrance, allowing a wave of policemen to flood into the hideout.

Endeavor and Naomasa stood vigilant outside, ensuring the villains had no avenue of escape. All Might, now facing Katsuki, extended an apologetic hand.

"I'm sorry, young man," he said, genuine remorse coloring his words.

Katsuki, still defiant, refused to admit he felt fear. "I don't need your apologies. I can handle myself," he retorted.

Tomura, undeterred by the heroes' assault, ordered Kurogiri to warp the Nomu into the fray.

However, to his surprise, Kurogiri struggled to comply. Panic crept into Tomura's eyes as his plans unraveled before him.

All Might, seizing the moment, revealed the masterstroke of the Hideout Raid team. "Your Nomu factory has already been captured," he declared, the revelation echoing through the hideout.

The villains, cornered and outmaneuvered, faced the might of heroes who had orchestrated a meticulous plan to dismantle their operations. The clash of titans continued, each side fueled by their unwavering convictions.

As the battle reached a pivotal moment, the hideout became a battleground where the echoes of heroism clashed against the shadows of villainy.

As the tide of battle turned decisively in favor of the heroes, All Might, the symbol of peace, stood resolute. He called out to Tomura, urging him to give up the futile resistance.

But Tomura, his defiance unyielding, clenched his fists. "I won't give up! I won't let you win!" he spat, his hatred for All Might burning in his eyes.

Attempting to seize control of the situation, Tomura ordered Kurogiri to open a Warp Gate.

However, before the command could take effect, Edgeshot, the Stealth Hero, moved with unparalleled speed.

In a blink, he incapacitated Tomura by piercing his organs, rendering the young villain unconscious.

Gran Torino, his seasoned voice cutting through the aftermath of the clash, reminded the remaining villains to stand down.

With an air of authority, he revealed the identities of each villain, unraveling the masks that hid their faces, leaving only Dabi's true identity shrouded in mystery.

The police, diligently working in tandem with the heroes, gathered information to ascertain the true identities of each villain. The room, once cloaked in shadows, now stood exposed to the piercing light of justice.

"Where is All For One?" Gran Torino demanded, his gaze focused on the subdued Tomura.

In response, Tomura, still defiant, only expressed his seething hatred for All Might. The air hung heavy with unspoken animosity, a lingering tension that encapsulated the bitter rivalry between hero and villain.

As the dust settled, the hideout transformed into a tableau of revelation and defeat. The heroes, victorious in their pursuit of justice, now faced the aftermath of the fight.

In the midst of the aftermath, a sudden disruption shattered the veneer of victory. Portals, composed of ominous black liquid, materialized in the room, disgorging a horde of Nomus.

Edgeshot, ever vigilant, confirmed that Kurogiri wasn't behind this new threat.

All Might, commanding authority even in the face of chaos, ordered Kamui Woods not to let the villains escape. The battle-hardened hero made a determined stand, grappling with the Nomus that poured into the room.

As the chaos unfolded, an unsettling turn of events seized everyone's attention. Black liquid spilled from Katsuki's mouth, enveloping him in its inky embrace.

Before All Might could intervene, Katsuki vanished through a warped portal, leaving behind a vacuum of uncertainty.

A sense of urgency gripped the heroes as Kamui Woods, now facing the dual threat of Nomus within the hideout and those attacking from outside, called for backup.

The situation escalated beyond the confines of the hideout, echoing a larger conflict that reverberated through the city.

Endeavor, standing watch outside, acknowledged the urgency in Kamui Woods' plea.

The Nomus, unleashed and unrestrained, now posed a threat not only to the heroes but to the city itself.

In the wake of the unexpected turn of events, the hideout raid evolved into a sprawling battlefield where heroes grappled with Nomus and the shadows that seemed to defy containment.

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