Chapter 22

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Patricia's POV

"Amber how are you feeling" I ask amber who is quietly sobbing on the couch.

"Um I, I" Amber starts but stops.

"Ambs its ok. Why dont you go upstairs and take a nap, yeah?" Alfie says affectionatley.

"Ok...Alfie will you wait with me till I fall asleep?" Ambs asks

"Of Course!" Alfie said.

Alfie and Amber then walk upstairs

Jerome's POV

"How do we do this?" I ask to myself.

"How do we do what?" Patricia asks.

I said that out loud didn't I? Uugh!!

"How do we this? As in how do we balance our life and the mystery!?!" I ask almost shouting.

"Did you guys forget how Mara and I are supposed to get married next week?" I say. "Are we even going to next week??" I continue.

"Jerome, calm down." Mara says soothingly.

"I'm sorry guys. I think I need to relax for a bit." I say and walk back to the couch.

" bit..stressful." Joy says slowly.

"I don't feel so good." Joy continues.

"I'm gonna go back to my room." She says and leaves.

"Hey babes, you sure your ok?" Mick asks as she climbs the stairs.

"Yeah. Probably just tired." She says and runs upstairs

Joy's POV

Honestly I think I know why I'm so tired and drained. I could be pregnant...I just dont wanna be at the moment especially with what happened to Amber.

I am just gonna-

Nina's POV

I wouldnt be surprised if everyone gave up on me. I make their life troublesome. Everytime theres a mystery,clues,threats,danger,etc!

A vision then flashes before my eyes:

Its me walking up to the common room. Everyone is huddling and talking. I hide behind the wall and listen in.

"Guys I dont think I can do this anymore." Amber says.

"I think we are all in danger." Mara continues.

"Should we quit?" Alfie asks

"I think so..." Jerome says

"I want to lead a normal life" mick says

"This is definetly not normal." Joy continues

"What about Eddie and Nina?" I hear patricia ask.

"Can't we just leave them to do the mystery!" I hear fabian say. Fabian?

Eddie then walks in.

"I don't wanna stay. Nina was here first. She started Sibuna. She needs to finish this herself. Not us!" Eddie exclaims.

"Then its settled. We leave early tomorrow morning." Fabian concludes.

A single tear slides down my face. So much for Once a Sibuna always a Sibuna....

End of vision.


How was that? Did you guys like the chapter? Did you like the vision? Do you think the vision will come true?

Send me your thoughts! I would love to hear them. Some of your comments are amazing. Like i always say I love you all.

Please excuse any typos,etc. this update was from my phone.

Plz vote,fan,and comment.



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