6. Meeting Cross

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                           Hi! The option chosen was to eavesdrop, so let's see how this goes! :) also, I realized that you can't use Wattpad on school chromebooks... This is now on Quotev as well! This means I can work on it during school. People on Quotev will also be able to take part in voting for choices.


You stayed where you were. You were curious as to what they were saying.

"Nightmare seemed more happy today like he had achieved something great. What has he done today?" Asked the white and black one.

"I-I'm N0t hIs lapdog-og-og. G0 aSk KIller." The glitchy one said grumpily.

Even though the glitchy one was more strange, something about the other one just kept your attention on him. You were so zoned out that you didn't even notice that he had turned your direction. The look of surprise appeared on his face briefly before being replaced with a look of hostility.

"Who are you?!" The white one yelled as he pulled out.... A giant knife?! This seemed to have grabbed glitchy's attention because he wiped his head to you so fast that you swore he could've broken his neck. Not even a second later you felt strings wrap around you. It hurt your chest more than it was already hurting. You let out a yelp of pain, but glitchy didn't seem to care.

"Again, who are you?! And what are you doing here?!" The white one repeated himself louder as he walked up to you.

You felt the atmosphere change, feeling a bit more negative. You watched the eyelights of the two hostile skellies look behind you. You couldn't see where they were looking thanks to the strings restricting your movements.

"Drop her." You knew that voice.. It was none other than Nightmare.

Glitchy hesitated for a second before dropping you to the ground. You hit the ground with a thud. Nightmare picked you up with one of his tendrils as you were struggling to get up.

"Boss who is-'' The white one was cut off by Nightmare. "Cross, Error, this is the new recruit, Lucid." Oh, I guess their names are Cross and Error.

"r-rEally @noter-er 0ne? 7here's alread-ady enough Idi0ts here to-o deal with-ith." Error Snarked back as he slightly looked at Cross. "Hey!" Cross glared at Error.

Nightmare set you back on your feet. You stood there holding your ribcage. It seems that being dropped has caused the injury to start bleeding again.

"Oh-0h come on. D0n't tell me 7hat you're so we-we-weak that you can't handle being hel-eld by some strIngs." Error snickered.

You really badly wanted to say something back against him, but Nightmare answered first. "Lucid is merely injured from our fight. I'm sure you all know how injured you were when you first joined." More directed to Cross. Cross's hostile expression faltered and Error just looked slightly annoyed now as Nightmare crushed his ego.

Nightmare sighs, "You're gonna need new bandages." He said to you, he then turned to Cross. "Cross, go fetch some bandages." Cross nodded before leaving.

Error performed some kind of motion with his hand. A glitched out white portal appeared and he took one last glance towards you before walking into it with the portal closing behind him.

Cross returned with bandages in his hands.

"Bandage Lucid and show her around the mansion." He said before seeping into the floor and disappearing?

Cross sighed before walking up to you. "Move your hand." You moved your hand off of your chest. Cross hesitantly lifted up your shirt just enough to see your ribs. You felt your face heat up a bit. "Stay still.". You swore that you could see a slight blush on his face, probably from embarrassment. He bent down slightly and removed the old bandages before starting to put on the new ones that he had brought. "So... your name is Lucid?" You nodded. "And you're Cross?" You asked. "Yeah. Welcome to the group." He finished the bandages as he let your shirt fall back down. "Thanks." You said, letting your blush calm down. He stood up straight. This made you realize how short you are compared to him. It wasn't too much of a difference but it was enough to make you feel short.

"I'll be showing you around the mansion. Follow me." He said in a more cheerful tone. He was definitely less hostile around you now.

You followed Cross as he gave you a tour of the mansion while also making small talk. You got more comfortable around him. He was a lot nicer than you thought he was, he even told you about the others in this group that you would be 'dealing' with.

You and Cross ended up talking about video games somehow. "We should play Mario Kart!" "You have that here?" "Of course! I'm gonna beat you!" "Game on!"

You and Cross ended up playing for an hour or two. You had to admit defeat. "Fine, you are better but I beat you in a few rounds!" Cross chuckled. "Heh, yeah, you're not too bad yourself but I'm definitely better than you." He said with a smug grin.

"Hi Crossy~" Cross's expression immediately dropped to more of an annoyed expression as he turned to see Killer.

"I'ma take this." Killer said as he put his hand on your shoulder. "Wai-" Is all that you could hear Cross exclaim before you opened your eyes, and you were somewhere else.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I felt bad that my chapters were short and not posted frequently, so I started typing this on a google doc so that I can write this during school. I also tried to make this one longer.

Crossed Targets (Cross sans and Killer sans x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now