7. A Killer Time

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Welcome back! I am glad to bring you another chapter! :)

Also, do you guys like it when I give you guys choices? Would you want me to have more choices? Or would you prefer that I just write the story based off of my creativity? 🤔


     Killer nudged you with his elbow. "So, I've never seen a female skeleton before~" ... "Well, I have, but not like.... for friends, Y'know? It's kinda rare."

     "...yeah.." You hesitantly said. If you were to be honest, you weren't sure what to say... or think.

     "Oh come on~ Don't be awkward now. That makes things less fun."


     "Ok, fine, fine. We'll start with introductions." He held his hand out to you. "I'm Killer!"

     You hesitated before shaking his hand. "Lucid" You looked up at him. He seemed happy that you actually shook his hand. He... didn't let go. Instead, he pulled you by your hand to follow him.

     "Come on! Let's go do something!"

     Lucid followed while questioning. "Where are we going?"

     Killer stopped walking. "...I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. "I was kind of hoping you would know what to do?" He looked at you blankly.

     You thought for a few seconds before saying, "We could watch a sho-"

    "Great! Let's go!" He cut you off as he pulled you along again.

     You were led through the halls of the ridiculously maze-like mansion. You start to question if whoever built it was trying to make people get lost. You were snapped out of your thoughts once Killer stopped walking. You looked to see that he had stopped in front of a door. He opened it and let you inside after walking in first. The room was somewhat messy with some crushed popcorn on the ground. Killer went and sat on the couch whilst patting the spot next to him.

     "Welcome to the theater room!" He smiled, and gosh did it look cute. Of course the 'theater room' looked like a regular living room but it had more snacks laying around in it. You sat next to him as he turned on what seemed to be a murder mystery. You always seemed to find these types of things interesting, even before... the incident.

     You and Killer sat there watching the show with each other. It was cute.... funny how excited he got at figuring out who the killer  was before the detective did. (pun intended). Eventually the time came where you no longer heard Killer telling you everything that the detective missed. You turned to see that he had fallen asleep. You took out your phone to check what time it was, and it was 1:21 Am!? You sighed before finding a blanket and throwing it on Killer. You didn't bother to try to move him.

     You walked through the halls. You realized that you didn't know where your 'room' was. This place was a maze, but it's not like you would sleep if you found your room anyway. Ever since you got out of the loop of dreams, you haven't been able to sleep well.

     "What are you doing up?" You jumped as you heard the voice from behind you.

     "Nightmare!" You turned around, "Don't scare me like that!" An amused expression appeared on his face.

     "No promises. Now come on, let's get you to your room. It's lights out right now."

     Nightmare showed you where your room was. It was in fact, the same room you woke up in. You really didn't like all the cobwebs, perhaps you would clean up the room and decorate it. Nightmare left you in your room. You laid wide-eyed, staring at the ceiling. You felt tired but your eyes failed to close as your ears shifted to every little sound you heard. You checked the old clock on the wall, and it read as 2:33. You weren't sure if that clock was correct or if it was out of date. It felt like hours, until finally, you felt yourself drift off to sleep.


Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it! Because I'm genuinely curious, who likes Killer more than Cross or vice versa. This most likely won't affect how I write future chapters. ;)

Would you guys want me to do multiple endings like: You end up with Killer. You end up with Cross. You end up Poly. You end up single.

Would you guys like that? I'm honestly not sure. I'm planning on having this story go on for a while though.

Crossed Targets (Cross sans and Killer sans x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now