Im no fun - Clay

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   "I'm no fun! What are you talking about, I'm mature and boring" Clay huffed out crossing his arms, "clay I know your mature but it's not bad to be fun one in a while right?" You tilted your head as you carefully grabbed his chin and turned his head to face you.

     "You aren't being very mature right now~" you teased, he then looked at you with serious eyes and then they instantly softened "god, only you make me like this. You won, now do you expect me to entertain you?" He let his head drop as he stared at you with a annoyed face , you could still see his little smirk though.

  "Do the rusty robot, PLEASE" you begged slapping your hands together. "Nu uh I'm not doing that I only do a well oiled robot!.." he narrowed his eyes and got into a sassy pose.

  "Don't make me beg Clay!" You frowned and made a puppy face, he sighed and rolled his eyes "fine, but only because your my girlfriend" he quickly got stiff and his eyes widened. He started to do some weird dance "rusty robot! Into wiggle worm~ and on Kelly and a puppet! Yeah~" he ended his little show by sticking his tongue out, you couldn't help but laugh "what was that?!" Tears were practically pouring out your eyes while you gripped your stomach from the pain of laughing.

  " hey! I just gave you a show it's not even funny" he whipped his head away from you with his hands resting on his waist, "come on! was pretty FUNNY!" You let out a satisfied sigh, you bring a hand up to wipe the tear in your eye away.

  "You're the best Clay" he stared at you and chuckled a little "thank you, for pushing me to have a little fun" he gave you a kiss on the lips and you returned the gesture.

"Your welcome"

(I'm sorry this was bad, I wrote this from the top of my head so I had no straight story)

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