Mostly Clay Q/A

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Clay: " oh this is gonna be fun"

JD: " the fans always want more of us " *he smirks*

Poppy: "yay I'm so happy I'm back"

Viva: " same sister!"

Branch: " I'm only here because poppy forced me to come, no offense to you guys"

Floyd: " I'm here for the fans"

Bruce: " of course you are "

Floyd: "?"

JD: " ok! First question, from @Hellothere_imperson for Clay. This person is asking about how you feel about your famous "I don't mind" lyric in the family harmony song being removed? "

Poppy: " it got removed? But those little bits in the song is what makes it a family song!"

Viva: "clay we should give them a price of our minds!"

Clay: "calm down girls! It's fine, I'm not super mad about it but I am a little confused on why it was removed. I'm surprised a bunch of you guys even noticed I sang that!"

Branch: " people on this app called 'tik tok'? Say that it tickles their brains."

Clay: "oh? I'm flattered. It must mean you guys love my voice~"

Bruce: "clay in the heartthrob, your the fun one"

Clay: " Bruce! Are you seriously starting this?"

Branch: " guys this is the second time one of you guys started arguing! People are seeing this you know"

Poppy: " JD! Read the next question before they start to argue again"

JD: "on it poppy seed! The next couple questions re by the same person. They're asking about who needs therapy? Hah! Me don't need that we're fine."

Branch: " I've come to terms with my own feelings so I'm gonna and my brothers need to go to family therapy and probably some individual therapy to"

Clay: "sad book club is my therapy, we talk about our feelings and cry."

Bruce: "that's why you need therapy, I don't thought. My wife and kids makes me happy and I'm ok with that."

Floyd: " I think in fine I love my brothers and reuniting with them had made me so happy! But if you guys think I need to go I will consider it"

Poppy: " I agree with branch BroZone needs therapy but I'm good!"

Viva: "I've been thinking about going for my Bergen fear but that's mostly it."

JD: " nah I don't need therapy! I don't know what branch is talking about-"

Clay: " uh huh"

Floyd: "it's ok if you think you don't need it JD😅"

Bruce: "you should re consider"

JD: "what? Ok guys whatever I'm working on my own stuff I don't need that. The next questions seem to be for Clay only so I'm leaving"

Branch: "same I need to work on some stuff and poppy you should come you have queen duties to attend to"

Poppy: "awww ok, let's go viva!"

Viva: " aw dang, tell me everything Clay! Byeee"

Bruce: " oh my god! I need to help brandy bye!"

Floyd: "bye Clay!"

Clay: " oh everyone left, so it's just me and you guys! The next question is by: @Kumesha4 and they're asking 'do I ever do the rusty robot when I'm alone?' To be honest I do. Not often but it's nice to refresh the skill"

Clay; " ok two more questions @Hellothere_inperson sa- "

Hellothere: "hi Clay!"

Clay: " HOLY SHIT! you scared the crap out of me! Wait- who are you and how did you get here?"

Hellothere: " im Hellothere_inperson! And I'm here to do this * point a hot glue gun at him* do you surrender the glitter?!

Clay: "AH! * he throws his hands up in surrender* I'm so confused what glitter?! But whatever you mean yess! I surrender! Those glue guns hurt."

Hellothere: " good, Also um... can I join your sad book club! I have a bunch of books I wanna talk about but my friends don't talk to me about them ;("

Clay: * he hesitantly lowers his arms* my sad book club? Is this what this is about? Well ya I would love to have more meme we and new book"

Hellothere: "really? Thank you * you jump on him hugging him tight * "

Clay: "wow! *he pats your back* ya just don't... point a glue gun at me unless we're making some scrapbook or something, deal?"

Hellothere: "deal! "

Clay: "ok well it's time for me to go! Bye guys, bye  HT!" * he moonwalks away*

Hellothere: "?"

Thanks for reading. Byeee!

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