Weird and annoying things they do

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John Dory -

• well something weird he does is sometimes you'll catch him doing "karate" moves in the middle of the night.

• or sometimes you will catch him singing "girly" pop songs.

• something annoying he does is sometimes his perfectionist problem comes back.

• or when you both are sleeping he takes up the whole bed, when his arms and legs spread out.

Bruce -

• he doesn't do much weird things anymore but when you guys met as teens he was very flirty.

• and he would always rip his shirt off every time he was gonna change or something.

• something annoying he does is make you try new sketchy recipes and you get food poisoning.

• he's a good cook but every time he finds recipes online they're just so bad.

Clay -

• something weird he does is that he will start randomly dancing.

• and sometimes he rocks a mohawk.

• it's crazy his mohawk, it's huge!

• something annoying he does is that he takes being serious to far, like he tries to hard to not be "fun" I guess

• you keep telling him to let it go and that people take him seriously but he doesn't really think so.

Floyd -

• something weird he does is that he will buy new jeans and cut them up and stuff.

• he says it's his style and your ok with it.

• or sometimes he goes outside and collects random trash he finds useful and he'll make little cute figures with the stuff.

• it's recycling he says.

• something annoying he does....idk I don't think he does many annoying things.

• sometimes he can be sarcastic and it can be annoying sometimes.

Branch -

• something weird he does is collect a bunch of your stuff that he really likes and he makes shrines out of it.

• ...... ya that's a little creepy but you don't tell him you know.

• also he sniffs you sometimes 😟

• something annoying he does is that he can be overly prepared for simple things.

• or he can be super sarcastic towards people

• but overall not much.

(( also how would you guys feel about broppy x reader? I got the idea from a different writer and I thought it was cute.))

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