Bad mood

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You had a sucky day/week and you feel very moody


John Dory -

• He notices you're in a bad mood but doesn't say anything at first.

• instead he got into a super playful and hyper mood

• he was trying to cheer you up but it was just annoying you.

• "y/n! You wanna go on a hike? There is this super cool trail that I want you to see!"

• after a while to try to cheer you up he just gives it to you straight.

• "ok y/n you're clearly in a bad mood. What happened?"

Bruce -

• He notices after you didn't try his food, you always ALWAYS try his food so it was a bit off.

• he was a bit confused but didn't ask anything.

• but after you refused to dance with him he KNEW something was up.

• "ok, honey. Is everything alright you seem off? You can talk about if you want."

• he listens to you yelling about how bad the week/ your day was.

• "wanna take a break for the day? We can go out and eat and drink a LOT"

Clay -

• he is a bit slower to notice since he just thought you wanted to stay quiet, you don't have to talk everyday!

• but when you didn't even respond to him, and the look on your face made him realize that it was more than taking a break from conversation.

• he's a bit nervous to say something but you seem really stressed and irritated.

• he asked about how your day went, big mistake. You started aggressively ranting about your day/week.

• after you finished you lashed out at him " so ya Clay! My week/day was just PERFECT!!" You jolted up and stormed off.

• he had this face 😨😬 and he was fidgeting the whole time, he understands you're angry and upset so he let you be.

• the next day you apologize and he says it's ok. You both talk about how you've been in a more calm matter in sad book club.

Floyd -

• he felt your energy right away, it sent shivers down his spine 😭.

• but he was mostly worried, he didn't wanna make you angrier by asking (poor Clay😥)

• but he gradually started doing things to relax you.

• "want a smoothie beautiful?" "Want to watch your fav movie? "You want food?" "Wanna cuddle?"

• all the questions stressed you out but you held in the anger😭 he's trying to be sweet.

• eventually you were able to relax enough that you won't lash out, but when you were talking about what happened you sounded pretty mad and stressed.

• he gives you kisses on your cheek.

Branch -

• he notices pretty fast, he notice how you kinda stomped. And how quick you were to lay down, and that big sigh was a big give away.

• he inhaled and exhaled, preparing to face the fury! Kidding!.......😥

• he sat next to you and awkwardly started a convo "so... babe! How are you?"

• another mistake made by a BroZone member 😔

• you gave him a glare "I'm great." You rolled your eyes and looked away.

• he sighed and put a hand on your back " y/n you're obviously not ok. We can talk ok?"

• you didn't feel like talking but you still cuddled him.

• he got to know most of the details the next day at least.

Poppy and branch -

• Poppy didn't notice until branch mentioned that you seemed a bit moody.

• they both talked and decided it would be best to let you cool off before talking to you.

• which worked out, once they came to you and asked what's going on you seemed better than before.

• they kissed you and cuddled you.

Veneer -

• he noticed your energy and it kinda scares him, he knows when you're mad it doesn't go well for anyone in your way.

• he was kinda on guard the whole time.

• "soooooooo....y/n! What are you doing here???" He's all fidgety.

• "you invited me? If you don't want me here I'll leave!.." you had furrowed eyebrows.

• "no no! I want you here! I'm sorry.. it's just that you seem kindaaaaaaa mad..."

• you sigh and apologized "sorry it's just that I've been having such a shitty week/day and it's really getting to me.

• he rubs your shoulder while he listens to you rant.

• "how about we have a spa day! It will be super relaxing"

• you agree because, why would you pass that up. Best time to talk shit about whoever you guys hate.

• "CRIMP! Set up a spa for us!"

King trollex -

• well he started of by greeting you at the door.

• he went in for a kiss, you let him kiss your cheek but he can tell you felt pretty shitty at the moment.

• he gave you a sympathetic look and he grabbed both your hands.

• "what's wrong beautiful? Why is my queen upset?"

• you started to tear up from all the stress, he quickly hugged you and brought you to the couch.

• "hey hey hey, don't cry ok? You can tell me what's going on in here."

• you wiped your tears away and your eyebrows furrowed "I'm not sad! It's just...I'm just so stressed. The week/my day has been so crappy and I just need a break..."

• he frowned at the thought of his lover being upset " well what do you feel like doing? Laying down?"

• you both cuddled and fell asleep.

(Guys... don't be mad  🤚🏽😓🖐🏽 let me give you the reasons why I was gone for so long.

• I had finals😥

• lots of moving around places😔

• I forgot🥹

That's all but I promise I'll give you one more OR two more upsets today ☺️🤷🏽‍♀️)

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