How They deal with exes

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I don't know who requested this but if you're reading than thank you!

Basically when they like see them in public and the ex decides to talk to them.


John Dory -

• he is kinda annoyed.

• he makes sure to grab your hand and keep you close.

• their relationship didn't end well so he isn't very fond of them.

• kinda trying to end the convo as fast as he can, and he's not really listening to them.

• "ya, so I gotta go me and my GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND are on a date"

Bruce -

• ok so he has 5 exes🤭😓

• relationship one and two ended because they fell out of love, well Bruce did.

• relationship three ended because they cheated on him and relationship four ended because they moved really far.

• relationship five ended because they were very toxic and manipulative.

• ANYWAYS ex number five saw him and decided to strike up a conversation 😒

• they tried to flirt with Bruce and try to hook up with him.

• Bruce wasn't having it✊🏼

• he said that he has a VERY happy relationship with you with kids (if you want them) so if they would very kindly leave they should do so.

• they didn't leave, so you fought them VERBALLY (maybe 👀)

• he apologized to you and gave you tons of kisses.

Clay -

• Clay has two exes, wanna know why they broke up? Of course you do 😄

• relationship one ended because they weren't the nicest and thoughtful troll and so Clay ended it.

• relationship two ended because they were only dating him because he was a band member and they were a fan.

• ex one saw you two walking and they decided to invade your guises quality time😒

• "hey Clay! Remember me?"

• Clay immediately recognized their voice "how can I forget..." he muttered "ohh... hi E/N (ex name) ".

• you noticed he was uncomfortable and fidgety, poor Clay 😢

• " who's these? Never mind that's not important 😒 Clay it's been a while! We should hang out"

• umm. The AUDACITY of this troll🤢 you were gonna swing but Clay softly held you back with his hand.

• "nah...I don't think that's gonna happen. Ever. As you can see I'm with my new girlfriend/boyfriend. You have a lot of nerve to even walk up to us."

• he crossed his arms and gave them a death glare.

• after a while of arguing they FINALLY left. Thank god😭

• he said sorry about them and about not telling you about them.

Floyd -

• Floyd only ever dated one person before you, it ended on good terms. They just fell out of love.

• you and Floyd were at a cafe and they happened to be a barista, you went to use the bathroom and the barista went to take Floyd's order.

• "hi! My name is- .....wait. Floyd? Oh my god it's been so long! You look so different."

• Floyd immediately jolted his head up at the sound of his exes voice "E/N? Wow it has been a while, like 5 years? Wow you look very different as well" he smiled at them.

• you came back to them talking and you were confused, who are they?

• they saw you and said hi "you must be Floyd's girlfriend/boyfriend! Wow you really are handsome/beautiful! I should introduce myself, I'm E/N nice to meet you."

• they were really nice but still you didn't want Floyd talking to them to often🤭😓

Branch -

• he doesn't have an ex 😭

• since he was gray for so long and veryyyyyyyyyy, different compared to "normal" trolls at the time. He never dated anyone before you.

• but if he did have an ex, and the relationship ended on good terms he would say hi if they saw each other. Normal convo "how are you?" Blah blah blah.

• if the relationship ended in bad terms, he would immediately drag you and himself out of there.

Poppy -

• she had one ex, which is creek (I think they were dating? Idk I read it somewhere)

• she doesn't like him much but he tolerates him.

• she doesn't keep the convo going for to long.

•making sure to hold onto you and kiss you.

• she immediately talks about how much he makes her mad once he leaves.

Veneer -


• when his ex can up to you guys he got so mad, like the audacity 😒

• "why did you come up to me? Who the hell do you think you are?" Veneer was not happy.

• they started arguing right away, he had a grip on your hand too.

• he pulled you in for a kiss and flicked them off at the same time.

• talked so much shit later.

King trollex -

• He has an ex but from his teen years.

• he was 15 and the relationship lasted until he was 19.

• he got cheated on and he couldn't stay with them.

• very uncomfortable when they come up to him and you.

• has one arm rubbing his other the whole time, he tries to be nice even though he isn't very happy.

• "ya...E/N I really need to go me and my lover have plans..."

• he was kind sad for a bit but you cheered him up with kisses and affection.

( ok guys I'm gonna hit the deck and take my ass to bed 😴)

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