Chapter 5

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        The once bubbly room fell silent as Lyon came into view, he was late for dinner and it didn't seem like he cared.

      "Hi son" Jane greeted, but was met with silence. He just pulled out his seat and sat down like we were all invisible. 

        "Umm have you and Mike met yet?" He's in your class. I hope you guys get along" mum added, trying to make small talk.

         "Hmm" he replied, not even having the decency to raise his head. I rolled my eyes at his attitude and glared at mum. She raised her hand defensively and went back to her meal.

        Halfway through our dinner, I looked around and decided to ask a question I shouldn't have. "Umm Jane, where is Mr Brown?" 

         As soon as the words left my mouth, I just wanted the ground to swallow me whole. 

       The silence answered me and I immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. It's just I've not seen him the whole day and I thought_"
          "Can you fucking shutup?" Lyon's voice echoed through the room. "You just got here and you're sticking your nose into everybody's business" 

       The room turned silent again except for the loud sound of Lyon's chair grazing the tiles as he stood up angrily. 

      "I'm sorry" I muttered standing up too. "I've lost my appetite" I went up the stairs and into my room slamming the door. 

      I hated it here! Lyon was acting like a total spoilt brat and I hated feeling like a fucking charity case! 

        The knock on my door startled me and I hesitantly opened the door revealing Jane on the other side. I opened the door quietly watching as she flashed me a sad smile before she walked in. 

       "I'm really sorry I asked,but that doesn't excuse his shitty behavior" I said in-between heavy breaths. 

       "I know it doesn't, but I want you to try to understand him," she sighed. "His dad got arrested for fraud some months ago and I guess this cocky attitude is just a coping mechanism for him. He likes to pretend like nothing gets to him, but I know it does" she said and I could feel myself relax.

      "I'm sorry you had to go through that. But I don't think I can put up with him like you do. I'm just going to avoid him completely"

      "Fine by me" she got up smiling. "He's a jerk, I'm sure he knows that”' she added and I just nodded and smiled.

       "Thanks for taking us in. And for all this" I said pointing round the room and she let out a genuine smile.

      "I hoped you would like it" She replied and I nodded. "Also don't tell your mum... but I wish I could swap sons" she joked.

        "Nah. I'm also a douche. I'm just being nice to make a good first impression, my mum could tell you that too" I grinned nodding and her smile widened

        "Thank you"


        Weekend flew by quickly, and it was Monday again. Mum was going job searching and Aunt Jane left early to shop for the groceries, leaving just me and Lyon with one car.

       Opening Google maps, I started walking towards the direction of the nearest bus station, not wanting to go to school with Lyon. Halfway down the street, Lyon sped past me pointing a Middle finger at me.

      Fucking brat.

       I barely made it on time, and the hallways were already full of people by the time I got in. Great! Just what I needed.

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