Chapter 21

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       After all the orientations and other formalities, we were finally allowed to go upstairs to our rooms. James offered to carry my bag as we walked towards the elevator but I declined, I was just lazy not defective.

         We split into two groups, the first group entered the elevator first while coach and Lizzy sorted out the formalities with the receptionist. As the elevator doors finally closed, I rested on the side lazily my eyes threatening to close.

        A few minutes later, the doors beeped open and we stepped out unto the fifth floor as directed by the receptionist. The hall way looked equisit with several rooms lined up, we both looked for the door with our room number following the sequence until we found it, I lazily opened the door  with our key card to reveal a nice looking room with twin beds.

          "Urggghh I'm so tired!" I moaned as I lay on one of the twin beds.

           "You must be really tired" James commented as he undressed while I tried to snap my aching neck.

        "I ammm...I'm so fucking tired" I complained on as I removed my clothes leaving only my shorts on. I scanned the room looking for a towel since I unfortunately left mine at home.

           As I picked up the towel flinging ot over my neck, the door bell suddenly buzzed, we looked at each other and shrugged. "It must be one of the guys" James said nonchalantly.

         I rolled my eyes at the situation, but since I was already standing, I flung the towel on my bed as I dragged my legs to the door only to open it and reveal Lyon standing at the door. His bright blue eyes travelled down my tall frame checking me out.

         "What?" I asked impatiently and I could see him snap back to reality. What a perv.

        "Sorry. Coach asked me to distribute these forms" he handed me two forms. "One is for you and the other for him"

       "Thanks" I replied as I collected them.

      "So how's your roommate" he questioned, his voice laced with jelousy.

        "I'm fine" James said walking up to the door with a sarcastic smile on his face. Lyon scanned his shirtless figure and scrunched his nose in disgust.

       "Mike can I talk to you for five mins?" He asked his face serious, I wanted to refuse but the look on his face made me nod hesitantly.

     He moved away from the door so I could fully come out, I nodded at James who sighed closing the door. Lyon looked over my shoulder as the door closed and ushered me a few feets away from the door.

     "What?" I snapped getting irritated, I just wanted to sleep.

       "What are you and James doing shirtless?" He questioned with a stern look on his face.

      I let out a small laugh staring at him? "Is that what this is all about? I just wanted to take a shower. Not like it's any of your business" I said crossing my arms around me chest.

     "I just want you to be careful around James" he replied running a hand through his hair as he stared back at the door to make sure James couldn't overhear.

     "Careful from what?" I asked more seriously. "See Lyon I don't get what's up with you bu__"

     "I think James likes you" he said interrupting me. "I like you, and I think I'll notice if another person likes you" he rubbed his temples and sighed while I looked at him like his head was rolling on the floor

     "Pfttt. James is not into me. Hell no! not everybody is a pervert" I replied dragging the word pervert.

     He kissed his teeth glaring at me, "think about it, does James act the way other guys on the team act around you? He's always offering to drive you places, always wrapping his hands around you-"

      "He wraps his hand around everybody" I said interrupting  and Lyon broke into a smile.

     "You know what I mean. He's just always around you" he finally  concluded.

     "So you're jealous?" I asked mockingly making him sigh frustratedly.

      "I'm very serious Mike. I don't want you guys to do anything funny"

      I looked up at him surprised at how bold he was getting, "you don't own me Lyon" I replied tilting my head. "And I still don't think James is gay"

      "I don't own you but I marked my territory first" he replied taking my hand. "I'm willing to wait till u forgive me" I could feel the heat rising in my face, I'd never seen Lyon be so protective.

       "It's five minutes already" James interrupted peaking out of our door. "Mike I thought you said u were tired?" He continued coming fully out of the room and I snapped my hand out of Lyon's.

       "I'm coming in already" I said looking at Lyon my face red. "Fuck off" I whispered with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't even pretend to be mad anymore, this boy brought down my walls so fast it scared me.

      James left the door open for me to pass through then went in after me glaring at Lyon as he closed the door.  "James I can take care of myself" I said as soon as he sat down on his side of the room. "You didn't need to come get me"

     "Sorry I just thought you'll be uncomfortable" he replied picking up his phone from his bedside table clicking away.
     I stared at him Lyon's words running through my head, I'd always thought James was clingy but actually into me?? That was a whole level of crazy. Lyon was crazy.


      "Hmmm?" He replied still clicking on his phone

      "Are-you-do you have a girlfriend?"

     "No why?" He replied raising his eyes to look at me.

    "Nothing just curious. I've never heard you talk about a girlfriend before"

     "Ohh" he chuckled. "I'm single"

    I nodded and picked up my towel, "I'm going to take a shower"


      As the water hit my skin my mind wandered back to my conversation with Lyon, even if James was gay why would he like me? I squeezed my shampoo unto my hand scrubbing my hair making the lather splatter on the floor.
     "Mike where's your charger?"  James voice suddenly rang outside the door making me jump slightly.

     "It's in the drawer of my bed stool" I replied cautiously looking towards the door.

     "Okay, chill..... Your shampoo smells nice tho" he complimented and a few seconds later I could hear him walk away from the door. Was I overthinking this? Even if James was gay why would he like me?

     I quickly washed up wrapping my towel around my waist, I was about to step out still dripping but I paused Lyon's words replaying in my head. I stood there drying myself instead and eventually wearing the short I wore in.

      "You dried in?" He asked as I stepped out

      "Yeah" I replied backing him as I sat on my bed still trying to dry my damp hair.  "What's up?"

    "Oh nothing, I just noticed" I nodded cautiously. I hated lyon for putting these thoughts in my head cause of how jealous he felt. "And oh, there's a spot up hill where we can see hot cheerleader girls practice wonna go tomorrow?" He asked.

     I turned to look at him releasing a breath I was holding, "O-of course" he smiled contently and went back to typing.

    Lyon was just a jerk I mumbled smilling as I turned back to continue drying my hair.

    A blue eyed handsome jerk.

Do you think Lyon is right??

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Tee girl:⁠-⁠)


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