Chapter 9

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I glared down at Andrea, and from the corner of my eyes I could see Mike smilling. Was he enjoying all of this?

"Did you just hookup with Mike?" I asked praying hard for my suspicion to be wrong, but the look in her eyes only confirmed.

"Fuck this!" I half yelled glaring at both of them and stormed into the house.

Andrea was the only girl I had ever dated. We were in the same classes during the 5th grade. She was my first girlfriend, my first kiss, even the first person I had sex with and I honestly thought I had found my forever person, but she cheated on me with a close friend and since then I hadn't dated again.

I just preferred to have random hookups because to be honest I was scared of giving my all to someone and being left behind again.

It always happened...look at my dad for instance.

Plus she could have decided to hookup with any other fucking guy in this whole school, but decided to choose Mike? I was pissed I went to my room for the rest of the night.

A few hours later, mum came to knock at my door but I ignored her, I didn't need her fake sympathy. She lost that chance when she wasn't there when I yearned a parent the most, and I didn't need her now. She stood there for a few minutes and left after a while.

I was just starting to doze off when I heard another knock at my door, hissing I got up opening the door angrily " I didn't respond before why would I respond no_" I got cut off as I saw Mike standing at the door instead.

"Wtf are you doing here"

"Umm...I know we're beefing and all, but it's not cool to beef over a girl" I glared at him as the words rolled out his mouth. "Bro code?" He raised a brow at me and I scoffed.

"Im not your bro" I tried to slam the door against his face but he held unto the door. God! this boy was stronger than he looked.

. "In all Honesty, Jane asked me to come here. She's worried about you"

"You know what I suggest?" I smiled sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "Take her, you're the perfect son after all"

"Look. We're not in a competition I don't kn_"

"Byee" I slammed the door in his face sighing and laying on my bed.

We're not in a competition? What does he mean by that? He is the one that came here and forced himself into everything I had. Now he's one to talk about bro code. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone calling Briana

"Oh nice! The king finally remembered I exist after leaving me by the lake"

"I'm sorry" I breathed. "I was wrong for pouring all my frustrations on you"

"Hell yeah you were" there was a brief pause and I began laughing at how much she was trying to sound angry. "You think this is funny Lyon?"

"No no I don't, I'm sorry for real. She didn't reply and I sighed getting serious.

"Wonna come over and finish what we started?" She went silent for a while.

"Only if you buy pizza" I laughed at her, she always knew how to cheer me up without trying.

"Sure. I'll send you the money and you can pick it up on your way here"

"Good" she hung the call and I smilled. Looking round the room my smile dropped instantly. It was a mess.

I quickly tried cleaning it up before she arrived because she didn't live far. A few minutes later I smilled proudly at the room. I turned up the AC and turned on the light to add some color, my room was totally black, everything from my bedsheets to my curtains to my furniture. My mum complained severally but this was how I liked it.

Few minutes later my phone beeped, Bri texted that she was here , I quickly ran down the stairs to usher her in before mum noticed, but I was disappointed when I saw that mum was watching TV in the sitting room with Mike's mum, Racheal.

They would definitely tease me about this

I opened the door to reveal Briana holding a pizza box and a big bag.

"Ummmm, what's the bag for?"

"You invited me over at over 9 o'clock Lyon, you don't expect me to go back home tonight" she rolled her eyes at me and entered the house without waiting for a response.

"Oh hi Mrs Brown, hi aunty, she greeted Mike's Mum"

"Oh hi dear" they greeted in unison and I shuddered, they definitely did that on purpose to sike me. I face palmed myself as she strolled towards them, couldn't we just go upstairs?

"My mum asked me to give you this" Briana brought out a small box of chocolates from her big bag. Seriously, she was only staying the night how much did she bring? "She also said to call her, she wants to make sure there's parent supervision here, I told her I came for a study session"

Mum raised a brow, "the chocolates aren't from your mum right?" Briana gave a knowing smile

"They're a bribe. Please just call know how she can be"

"Surrreee" my mum nodded looking at Racheal as they both looked like that could burst into laughter at any time.

"Okay that's enough" I grabbed Briana's hand gently pushing her to the stairs taking the box of pizza from her hand. I could stil hear them whispering as we climbed the stairs, gosh I hated them.

Briana laughed as she entered my room room, "what? What's funny?" I asked panicking as I closed the door putting the pizza on my reading table. Did she open my closet?

"Is this the new interior design you where bragging about ?"

"Huuh? I got a new bed frame and I changed the curtains, look even the bed stand is different" she laughed as I frantically tried to prove my point .

"It's still black Lyon, no one would notice all these changes" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever just sit down, I'm going to shower"

"I'll join you"

*. *. *

It was just 7:am, why has mum knocked on our door 50 times this morning?

"Come down for breakfast" she yelled for the 51st time.

"We heard you the first time" I yelled back and Bri punched my arm slightly. "What was that for?"

"You're being a jerk" she replied rolling her eyes at me. "We're coming Aunty" she answered in my stead.

As we heard mum go down the stairs,Briana stood up adjusting her short pleated skirt. "I'm going down, come fast so we can leave"

"Whatever" I replied adjusting my hair in the mirror.

After a few minutes I was done, and opened the door only to meet a tired looking Mike who looked like he'd woken up late again. He glared at me

"Don't bring a girl over If you can't fuck quietly" he rolled his eyes at me and went down the stairs struggling with his tie.

I smilled at how pissed he looked, I wasn't even angry, just amused. I guess he was starting to grow on me.

Awnnnn, I didn't want them to just jump from enemies to lovers, I wanted atleast one of them to soften a little for the other, what do you think?

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Tee girl:⁠-⁠)

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