Chapter four

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I decided to get the mail and the second I walked out the front door I saw Alex. He was my grade ten crush, well now grade eleven because I still like him. "Hey Cassidy!" Alex called. Oh great, all of his friends turned around and waved. I blushed a crimson red but waved back and dashed down the street to the mail box.

He is so cute, the girly voice inside me was practically screaming towards him. I unlocked the mail slot and opened it up. Mail was spilling out and I just caught some letters and magazines before they blew away.

After I had gotten all the mail, locked up the slot and got another dose of Alex and his friends I went inside to sort mail. Yay so fun, :/

Sam came home in an hour after I finished the mail and gave me a gift bag. "Okay, you earned this." he said with a bright smile on his face. I tore through the bag and pulled out an IPhone. "Omg! Thank you so much!" I hugged him. "How did you get this?!" Having an IPhone was a dream and I was surprised Sam could even afford one, heck two, last summer he got him self one. "I was saving up and I traded in that crappy chair that was in the garage for the past year, I never knew it was worth that much." He shrugged.

I bet he got it just so we could stay in touch. "You're always SO worried, now we can text and play games but I bet you just don't want to have me separated from you." Was I a little too hard on him? "It's fine to be worried Cass but please this cost quite a bit. Don't think of it as a Cassidy-tracker-3000, I just feel better if we can stay connected." Sam explained.

"It's not like we are ever going to see him again." I told Sam but oh god I have bad luck. I should have knocked on wood after saying that!

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