Beating Steeljaw

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Velma leaned over to Russell.

"Go to Retropoint and try to get him to call for help. Whether it be from Bumblebee, Optimus, or anybody." Velma says in a whisper

Russell nodded and went to do so whilst Fred slowly stepped forward with the artifact. It still being in his hand, having overheard Velma's whisper to Russell, wanting to buy as much time as he could.

"Why do you want this thing so badly anyways?" Fred asks

"You humans have no idea the sheer power that device holds, do you?" Steeljaw comments. "Typical."

"That doesn't answer my question wolf face." Fred responds. "Wh. Do you. Want it?"

"He doesn't have to say anything to yu, you meddling brat!!!!" The Qing Dynasty Soldier snapped

"Then you're not gonna get this thing as long as I'm alive." Fred says. "Shaggy, catch!!!!"

Fred chucked the artifact to Scooby and Shaggy, Shaggy managing to catch it.

Like, what do you want us to do with this?!??" Shaggy questioned

"Just run!!!" Fred shouts as he was shoved to the side by the ghost soldier

Shaggy and Scooby saw the ghost soldier running at them, sword drawn.

"Zoinks!!!!!!" Shaggy yelped, hair spiking. "You heard him, Scoob! Run for it!!!!"

Scooby and Shaggy took off, leaving a cloud of dust behind them, but the ghost just simply ran right through it, pursuing the two. They chucked the artifact to Velma, who ran but ended up tripping, her glasses falling off of her face.

"My glasses!" Velma exclaimed. "I can't see without my glasses!"

Daphne ran over, grabbed Velma, Velma's glasses, and the artifact and just continued running while Velma tried to put her glasses back on.

"We need to keep buying Russell time!" Velma says while they ran

"Why do you think we're trying to keep the ghost away from this thing while he's after us??" Daphne responds almost immediately

Velma and Daphne continued running, looking back as they did, the ghost soldier still hot on their trail. Velma seemed to notice that the ghost was getting ready to throw his sword.

"Look out!!!" Velma shouts

Velma pulled herself and Daphne to the ground as the sword flew right by overhead.

"You okay Velm?" Daphne asks

"Y-Yeah, I'll be fine." Velma responds, clearly a bit shaken up\

Daphne sighed with relief as the ghost went to pull his sword out of the ground. As Daphne and Velma got up, Russell seemed to finish the alert call to any and all autobots that would end up having heard it, fingers crossed someone did.

"Hopefully somebody heard that...." Russell comments

Russell then noticed that the stun rifle was on the ground outside of the Mystery Machine.

"Kid what are you thinkin' o' doing?" Retropoint ask

"I got an idea." Russell says as he picked up the stun rifle. "But it's gonna need somebody to come by and fight Steeljaw to work fully. Right now, all I can do is...."

As Russell explained his plan, Fixit came over, saw the damage Retropoint had suffered, and got to work on trying to repair it.

"I s-sure ho-hope w-what-whatever that plan o-of yorus is Russell works." Fixit responds. "Cause I don-don't think that the scrapyard can take too many more Decepticon and Autobot battles."

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