Much Needed Rest and Relaxation

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Since they had some time to kill, everyone was deciding to just relax. maybe watch a movie or two projected from a laptop, anything really to just take a breather before doing more investigating or research into whatever the Qing Dynasty Soldier spirit and Decepticons might have planned. Maybe even share a few stories about various adventures. Which the gang decided to do. With explaining a mystery that had happened when the gang went up against the Ghost of Redbeard.

"...and as it turned out, it was the guy who owned the shipping line that the ghost was attacking." Fred says

"He was planning to rob his own ships and sell the loot on the black market to make the money to keep the shipping line." Velma adds

Everyone was listening.

"Of course, it didn't last forever." Velma comments. "We showed up and put an end to that phantom plunderer and his cronies."

"So that's why I had to get a notice that the company we had to get parts from was changing from Magnus Shipping Co to the one I have now." Denny says

"Mhm." Fred responds. "Without CL Magnus there to manage the company, it had to file for bankruptcy after making one more round of shipments, giving customers a final notice in the shipments."

"I see." Denny responds. "To think, he dressed as a ghost pirate in an attempt to save his company. I kinda feel sorry for him, not gonna lie."

"He even used dry ice to create this, like, really eerie fog." Shaggy comments

"Still not the most elaborate ghost we've faced, though." Daphne says

"What is, then?" Bumblebee asked. "If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"Oh, we don't really mind." Velma comments. "But the most elaborate we've faced is likely this guy that called himself 'The Mastermind'. He brought back several of our past foes up to that point through holograms that were advanced enough to have physical interactions with the environment and living people."

"Anyways, all that can be saved for another day to be discussed." Fred says

"Yeah, we could use this spare time we have to relax." Daphne stated

"I wanna figure out what this thing actually is." Velma says, looking at the artifact from the museum that the ghost is after. "I wanna know if there's any real possible answers to why that creepy ghost is after it. And why he wants it so badly in the first place."

Velma walked off.

"Figuring out what it is might help in why the Decepticons are possibly working with the specter." Optimus responds

As Velma, Bumblebee, Fixit, Retropoint, and Optimus went to analyze what the artifact was, Denny turned to the others.

"So you kids ever play football?" Denny asks

"I'm the coach of our current school's football team over in Coolsville." Fred responds. "You sure you wanna do this?"

"Oh come on it'll be fun." Denny comments

"I could use a few new tricks for my school's upcoming game anyways." Russel stated, cracking his fingers

"If you say so." Fred comments

Fred, Scooby, Shaggy, and Daphne all huddled up to discuss plans.

"Okay, guys, as evident by what he just said, this isn't Russel's first crack at football." Daphne whispered. "So what's the game plan?"

"I got the perfect one...." Fred responds

They began then discussing plans, Shaggy poking his head up for a moment.

"Me??!?!??" Shaggy questioned

Fred grabbed Shaggy and pulled him back into the huddle so they could continue quietly discussing plans while Russel and Denny had gotten to work setting up the football 'goals' for this short little game.

Then, later, the game was on, everyone in position, and the game started. Everyone taking the moment to just enjoy the spare time that they have, sort of relaxing before they go to continue the investigation. As expected, the gang had the advantage, due to Fred's experience as a football team captain.

However, during the game, Russel and Denny would manage to get a huge upper-hand, eventually winning. With how long the game took, Scooby and Shaggy were really exhausted

"Good job, you two." Fred says

"Yeah like, way to..." Shaggy starts before him and Scooby collapse to the ground

"RGo...." Scooby finished, sighing and huffing a little

Everyone looked over at the exhausted Scooby and Shaggy.

"Before we go to resume investigations into the ghost and the Deceptions' activities, I suggest we take five." Fred says

"I second that." Daphne responded, nodding

Later, everyone was relaxing and cooling off after the football game. Scooby and Shaggy of course having some snacks, but Fred, Daphne, Russel, and Denny just having some water.

"So what was your first mystery?" Denny asks

"Oh, it was actually something that happened on Halloween a while ago." Fred comments

"As it turned out, a string of robberies had been committed by the theater teacher for Coolsville Middle School at the time, Mr. Rigby." Daphne stated. "He hid all his stolen loot in a secret room in his old family home."

"Scoob and I had discovered the secret room by complete accident when hiding, though." Shaggy comments. "Was actually also the first time we were called 'meddling kids' by someone we've unmasked."

"Which happens a LOT." Fred comments

"Sometimes, though, it is used in a positive manner." Daphne added on. "One time, we even used it to correct a dude that was attacking a snowboarding competition."

"We kinda just roll with it." Fred comments. "What matters when it's used as an insult or a form of snapping at us is that in that context it's typically a criminal about to get put behind bars."

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