Chapter Twenty-Five: Sectumsempra

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Exhausted but delighted with his night's work, Harry told Tracey, Allison, Theodore, and Canini everything that had happened during breakfast the next next morning (having first cast the Muffliato spell upon those nearest them). They were all satisfyingly impressed by the way he had wheedled the memory out of Slughorn and positively awed when he told them about Voldemort's Horcruxes and Dumbledore's promise to take Harry along, should he find another one.

'Goodness, how exciting,' said Canini when Harry had finally finished telling them all everything. 'You're going to get to go on an adventure with Dumbledore.'

'One that will potentially help save the wizarding world,' continued Allison stoically, but Harry could tell she was impressed.

'Aren't you worried it'll be dangerous, look what it did to Dumbledore's hand,' expressed Theodore.

'I'm sure it'll be on par with murderous chessboards, outrunning Acromantulas, surviving a werewolf attack, the third task maze, and battling Death Eaters, and I survived all of that.'

'And Dumbledore got cursed when he went Horcrux all by himself,' said Tracey, 'but this time him and Harry'll go together so I'm sure they'll be fine.'

Before they could continue the conversation any further the morning post arrived and amongst the owls were Hedwig, Janus, and the family owl Phasming, each delivered a near identical letter to the three adoptive siblings. It only took Harry one guess as to who it was from.

"Dear Harry,

I apologize for the long span of time without word from me, but I am home now from my mission, although I'm saddened to say it was anything but successful. I hope you, your siblings, and your friends are well, I really regret that I was unable to see you all during the Easter Break but hope you enjoyed your time as the Tonks' or Weasley's. I also trust that your studies have been going well, and that just because you don't have O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s at the end of your sixth year is no excuse to neglect your homework (although having some occasional fun is a more acceptable excuse). I look forward to seeing you and your siblings when the Summer starts, and I greatly miss using seeing all your faces in the mirror.

Lots of love.


Before Harry could forget any of his thoughts he retrieved a quill and piece of paper from his bag and wrote a response letter.

"Dear Remus,

It is good to read that you are all right, as Tonks told me a little of what happened and me and the others were quite worried. My schoolwork is going well, Potions class is still my highest grade.

A lot has happened to me and my friends since Christmas, I'll try and go in order. We are doing our Apparition lessons and I have now Apparated successfully several times. Allison and I are now a couple and we are very happy together, we started dating Valentine's Day night. That same night however there was an attack that was meant for a Professor but ended up near fatally poisoning Tracey, but with me and Madam Pomfrey's help she survived. Because of this second attack security was increased even further and so everyone else and myself didn't actually get to go home for Easter as it was deemed just to unsafe. Finally, my team won yet another Quidditch match, which means we have a chance at winning the inter-house cup yet again.

I'm really glad you are home, as again we've all been worried. I can't wait to see you in the summer as well.


Harry purposely left out the parts of him sneaking into Hogsmeade to attend a reunion, having house-elves follow Malfoy, him getting two of his Professors blackout drunk, and potentially leaving the castle again to go on a dangerous Horcrux hunt with Dumbledore. He just didn't want Remus to worry. He gave his letter to Hedwig and she took right back off into the cloud of owls.

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