The Best Defence is...

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You waved goodbye to Natsai—no Natty, she had said to call her, and you headed up another marble staircase towards what you hoped, was the Defence Against the Dark Arts wing.

Natty had been so charming and infectious about her love of magic you couldn't help still smiling as you walked under an intricate archway. She was kind enough to bestow a lot of valuable advice and you were grateful for her patience with all your questions.

The Charms lesson had also been incredible. You had impressed Professor Ronen with your quick skill with Accio and your triumph at Summoner's Court.

Games in class?

You were already loving it here.

Pausing a moment, you listened to some stringed instruments that were playing a beautiful piece while hovering in the air. A few students eyed you with curiosity—but after the pep-talk Natty gave you about being the new student, you felt a bit less nervous about it.

You were glad that you had a longer break to navigate your way as it gave you time to start taking in the beauty and grandeur of your new home. It seemed like everywhere you spun your head something incredible was happening. Moving armor (that wasn't attacking you for a change), talking paintings, flying books—there were even ghosts!

While taking in the architecture and making a few helpful navigation notes in your field guide, you also kept a side eye out for the Slytherin (as you now knew what the different colour robes meant thanks to Natty) you had assaulted that morning. You were sure you hadn't harmed him but—

Shaking your head, you scrunched your nose at the memory.

I hugged some boy I don't know! A pretty cute boy, granted—but I don't want to get a reputation! If anyone asks, just say you thought he was someone else.

You spied the eyeballs-on-stalk devices Natty had said to look out for and you made your way around the staircases as loud voices began filtering out the classroom.

"Mr.Sallow! While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I would also appreciate my classroom remaining in one piece, if you please!" came a stern voice.

You walked in behind a few students to see an older witch scolding the aforementioned Mr.Sallow, whose back was turned to you. The formidable-looking witch then caught your eye and called out.

"Ah, you must be the unsorted girl I got an owl about this morning. Come in, come in my dear." and she announced your name to the class, introducing you as a yet-to-be-sorted fifth-year.

The boy in front of her turned.

Son of a—

"Well heellooo Mystery Girl." he said with a grin, raising his brows flirtatiously as his eyes cast over you. Some students giggled, a few girls whispered something while looking at you.

"Damn." you muttered under your breath, your face growing hot as you quickly took a seat towards the front, eyes set on the floor as you passed the curious hoard of fifth-years.

Please. Please. Please. You silently prayed.

You heard the bench beside you creak as someone took it. You lifted your head from your arms.

Double damn.

"Sooooo. How is your day going?" the brunette asked innocently, though he was unable to stop grinning like the cat who ate the canary.

Gosh he has a lot of freckles.

"Uh—" but before you were forced to respond, the steel-eyed witch called the class to order.

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now