Another Whip Round the Sun

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"I know you got back late—but I want to hear how it went, so I'm coming in." announced Nerida from outside your drawn bed curtains.

You were awake, dozing as you revised the events of the ball with the help of hindsight. You sat up with a tired smile as Nerida crawled onto your bed, passing you a steamy hot chocolate. She was still in her pyjamas, eyes a little sleepy as you bid her good morning.

"Wait for me!" called Imelda, cold feet padding quickly across the stone floor before she clambered through the gap, up onto your duvet alongside Nerida, deftly balancing her own cup. "Morning Mate. Okay—go."

You giggled, taking a sip of the rich warm drink.

"Good morning, Mel." you greeted affectionately before letting out a controlled breath. The girls watched you with anticipation, looking eager to hear about your evening.

Weren't they in for a story.

"Alright—so the evening began well enough...but through a series of circumstances...sort of ended with Ominis punching his brother in the face." you hurried with a wincing expression.

Nerida's mouth fell open in horror while Imelda loudly swore in shock, covering her mouth

"Marvolo was there?" Nerida asked in a concerned whisper, eyes looking fearful. You nodded glumly.

"Unfortunately, yes." you replied, his sneering eyes flashing back in your mind—followed by the look on his face when Ominis struck him, enjoying the memory a little.

You then gave an accurate account of your night, telling your friends about your encounters with the Gaunts as well as the rest of the Ton.

Nerida sighed heavily.

"Estella Gaunt—yes, she can be a beast...but Marvolo is an actual monster. I know Ominis will be mad at himself for how he acted, but I honestly couldn't be prouder of him. It seems he just needed a reason to push back." and she gave you a significant expression, your cheeks tinting as you looked down into your empty cup.

Imelda snorted out a huff.

"I cannot believe what that prick said about you—I would have done a lot more than just hit him." growled the little captain, her face still holding a scowl from when you detailed your encounters with the elder Gaunt.

"Thanks for that Mel. I just hope this mess means Marvolo will steer clear of Ominis for a while."

Nerida hummed warily.

"For his sake he'd better. The git will have quite the army to contend with if he thinks he can bully any of our lot."

You laughed brightly, pleased to know you could always count on your adders.

Letting out a long sigh, you tapped the side of your cup with a pensive finger.

"So—what are the chances the whole school won't be talking about what happened last night?" you asked in a nervous voice, your friends looking sympathetically back at you.


Fin was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, hands in his pockets as he rocked back and forth on his heels. You and the adders descended quickly, greeting the lone copperhead.

"Good morning Fin, you fairing alright today?" you asked cautiously at his ashen face. His heavy eyebrows lifted with concern.

"More importantly are you? I still can't get over what happened last night. I'm so sorry you had to listen to that creep." he lamented with a nervous rub of his neck. You smiled reassuringly before stepping in to give him a comforting hug, long arms wrapping gently around you.

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