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Poppy showed you where you could clean your tools and cauldron as she packed up the ingredients. As you scrubbed the little cauldron with a scourer, a voice came from the boy beside you, also washing his cauldron—although his looked far dirtier and blackened than yours.

"So you are the new fifth-year. Garreth Weasley—and before you ask, she is my aunt, not my mother." he said with a laugh.

You nodded thinking back to the deputy headmistress who shared his colouring. You introduced yourself, then with a friendly head tilt, commented on the state of his cauldron.

"Yeaaah—I was trying out a new stewing technique with dugbog lips—it did not go well." he finished sheepishly. You spied a few hot little burns on the backs of his hand.

"What were you trying to make?"

His eyes lit up as he stopped washing his cauldron—clearly hoping someone would ask.

"Well! Alright, so I have been working on this potion that can allow the drinker to grow fangs—like a vampire. Only temporarily of course—but what a gag of a product right? The thing is I keep getting the ratios wrong." He blew a lock of red hair out of his face as he returned to scrubbing the cauldron. "I'm trying to create a product offering to show Zonkos—but all the best ingredients are restricted, expensive or a pain to procure." he lamented.

You nodded as you listened, thinking about the idea that students could actually invent new magic. How does that even work? Probably a good question for Professor Fig.

"What's Zonkos?" you ask, realising that you didn't know that word.

"Oh so you are muggle-born. That's interesting." You caught an odd glint in his eye but he continued. "Anyways, Zonkos is a joke shop in Hogsmeade. They have the best products and I want to design for them someday. Professor Ronen said he has a friend who invents for them and he could get me an interview when I graduate."

You bobbed your head appreciatively.

"That sounds amazing, Garreth. I am still so curious about what people do when they leave Hogwarts. It's nice to hear someone's plans."

Garreth's smile grew and glancing over his shoulder, leaned in a bit closer to you.

"The are a lot of options as far as careers go—just depends on what kind of witch you want to be. So tell me, do you have any hobbies or passions? Do you like to bake or—"

"Oi! Weasley, you cheating buggar!" called a female voice from across the room.

You looked behind you with confusion as a dark-haired Slytherin girl with pale features and hawk-like eyes descended on the two of you at the sink.

You recalled she had been walking with Sebastian and Ominis before Charms. She looked—cross.

"Don't know what you are talking about Imelda. I am being a good Prefect by welcoming our new classmate." replied Garreth with a sanctimonious air.

The Slytherin girl hardened her stare, hands on her hips.

"Boggart. You were asking her questions to get an edge on your wager. I can read your freckled face like a book."


"Umm, what wager?" You ask, looking between the two students glaring at each other.

"Oh? You didn't know?" replied Imelda with a smirk, placing a delicate finger on her cheek in an innocent gesture.

"Know what?" Your tone started to ice over with irritation, the dirty cauldron forgotten in the sink as you crossed your arms and watched them both expectantly. Imelda looked up at Garreth.

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now