Salt Spray

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"Easy now."

You gratefully accepted Professor Figs hand to help pull you up the rocky ledge. "I would hate to think how angry Headmaster Black would be if we brought you to the castle in bad knick." he said with a laugh, though you noticed that he had covertly checked your palms for scrapes or damage.

You smiled as you turned to help Miriam—but she was already dusting off her long cranberry-coloured red robe and striding forward.

"Miriam can take care of herself." said Fig with a wink. You nodded and followed the snow-haired witch. Though her hair was white and she had a few deep lines on her face, she was clearly younger than Fig, at about fifty years old.

You had found yourself becoming very fond of the elderly couple, even after spending only a few days with them. They were quick with a joke, an interesting topic conversation or a comforting hand on your shoulder. And their magic? Just incredible.

"So Ranrok wants rights for goblins? Is that so bad?"

After the troll attack you had all found yourself flung far into The Scottish Highlands. Miriam asked you again about the "glow" you saw and you described it best you could. You heard her mutter "is it possible?" before pulling out a small leather bound notebook and scraping fast notes with a quill which appeared when she opened it. You were impressed with her ability to walk along the uneven path and take write so quickly.

Professor Fig suggested that they move forward and try to discover where they were—and how it was related to the Portkey and letter from Lodgok.

As you walked, The Figs had been filling you in on what appeared to be a serious issue in the magical world. Your mind tried to find comparisons with your muggle upbringing to make sense of the conflict.

"Like the suffragettes in New Zealand? We read in class they are trying to get votes for women. Is this like that?"

Miriam shook her head and mumbled something about "They can't even vote? Muggles..."

"In a way I suppose it is. Most wizards have extreme opinions about non-humans using wands and becoming involved in our politics. There are long running tensions between wizards and goblins that I believe is coming to a head once again."


"Professor Binns will I'm sure will take great...delight in teaching you the history of goblin/wizard conflicts"

"Bring a Pepper-up potion to keep yourself awake" whispered Miriam with a mischievous eyebrow raise.

"Miriam..." chastised Fig with a kind-hearted smile.

"Don't you 'Miriam' me. You left me with him at the faculty Christmas party to show Aesop that silly puzzle book...Do you know the names of every goblin who signed the 1538 Dragonblood Treaty? Because I do. I contemplated jinxing myself just to get out of the conversation."

You giggled as Fig just shook his head with a pensive smile.

"Miriam gets along with some of my colleagues better than others—but they are all excellent teachers. But back to Ranrok."

Miriam nodded and fell in step beside you.

"My friend Lodgok has been trying to help me understand what Ranrok was trying to find to help him win his war." Began Miriam as you turned to keep walking along the ocean ridge path.

"What is Ranrok looking for?"

"I believe he is seeking a magic that has been lost to history and time—an ancient, powerful magic."

"But the letter...from me—" That was still so strange "—said Ranrok is Lodgok's brother. Why would he help you?"

"Yes, I wondered that as well. Lodgok never told me his relationship with Ranrok—until that letter I had no idea. I believe the fact you—or the other you, added that detail, was why Lodgok took it seriously. He told me he only wants peace between goblins and wizards and he couldn't stand beside his brother's violent tactics. He also wished me to pass on his gratitude should I ever meet the letter writer."

The Death Wish: Book One (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now