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20 Years Old

Jeon Wonwoo,
It feels great for both of us to enroll in the university of our dreams. We had been talking about it since we were young, and now that we get into one, it feels like we almost completed in our dreams.

But we studied in different universities, we lived on our own in the cities and away from our parents. I felt sad at times because instead of seeing their faces after class, I have to video call them. I am still grateful I am still able to contact them though,

What made me sad the most beside not seeing my parents is that not being able to see you. I don't know your whereabouts and I don't know how you were doing. I knew you went to a university to study business because eomma told me so, you were going to follow your father's step in his business that was expanding not only in the island we lived in but also at one of the cities. And I am here pursuing my dreams with the architecture course I'm taking. I guess we are both doing well in our own paths, even if we haven't seen each other for a while now.

But Wonwoo-yah, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry this happened, I didn't mean to. Wonwoo-yah, I am really sorry that I hurt you. I had no choice, perhaps I do but I could not think of it back then. Wonwoo-yah, I have to admit, I missed you. It has been two years since we last saw each other.

I am sorry that I pushed you away when we were in our last year in high school. I was and am sorry for that, Wonwoo. I couldn't hold it, I could not handle all the treatment I got from those peoples. They were becoming more extreme each day and even if you were aware of it but they never gave up, they made you a fool by going a step ahead of you before coming to get me.

But I knew you weren't a fool, Wonwoo. You were able to still stand mighty and fought them, not only verbally but physically. When you told me you really want to kill those guys who harassed me, especially the three guys; Seungcheol, Mingyu and Hansol, despite looking physically big and dangerous, you really did knocked them down. I still remembered how they ended up in the hospital because of you and how you easily escaped from being accused, you framed them perfectly and they were suspended for that.

They stopped doing what they did that time, for real. Nobody dared to put a single finger on me since, even the girls zipped their mouth when they see me around alone. I noticed people started to distance themselves from you too, the table that you usually sat on with your classmate for lunch were filled with the first year students, you and your classmates no longer sat there.

That was because after the incident about Seungcheol, Mingyu and Hansol, even if the teachers and principal believed that they were doing that to themselves but everyone else knew it was you who did that. Your own classmates left the 'table' slowly, one by one. Until you had to had lunch by yourself that day, I felt bad. They distanced themselves from you,

I felt bad because you went through all that because of me, I made you friendless. Even if you still had me by that time but you were losing your friends, you started to hang around alone when I couldn't be with you because of school work. I was sorry, I felt like I made you suffer.

And I made it worse by breaking our friendship.

A month before our graduation, I remember I brought you to our place; the flower field. You did not seem to worry that I brought you there because this is the place we would go on our ups and downs. You did not know what I was planning to do by then.

Truth to be told, Wonwoo. I never wanted to do it but I am sorry that I have reached my limit. You knew for yourself, your relaxed face turned to a frown when you saw my troubled face, that was when you asked, "Nari, Lily. What's wrong?"

I, Lily, Nari. | Jeon Wonwoo |Where stories live. Discover now