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26 Years Old

Jeon Wonwoo,
You never lied when you said you will see me again. Of course, we would meet again for the project and your company's new building. But when the planning was done we barely met. So I never thought we see each other again but of course, you made it possible for us to meet.

You came to the company I worked in and you came to my personal office, everyone was shocked at your presence at the company and that fired up a rumor about us. I was worried it would affect my career but of course, just like you did in high school, you made them quiet. At least they obeyed you, and none ever threatened me.

Though the places here are beautiful and there are a lot to visit, nothing can compare to the beauty we had back in our home island. You brought me to a flower field, like the ones in the island, it overlooks the ocean. You brought me here to have a flashback of our memories but we both knew the feelings were never same as we get at home.

We never cared though, we still had fun in the flower fields. Even though we were both twenty-four years old by that time but our mind brought us back to when we were teens. On that moment, it wasn't just two adults bestfriends that were running around the flower field, there were also two younger versions of them running along with them. Of course the two younger versions were in their imaginations.

You made sure we would meet again after that day, you never stopped coming to my office and personally ask me to leave my work and hang around the city. We never stopped seeing each other, we were never tired of seeing each other's faces.

Then it occurred to me, we always hung out but we never talked about those five years that we missed. When we built our friendship again, I never thought that we were starting from zero as if we were starting a new book. I thought we were continuing our once broken friendship and we would talk about it, but you never brought up the topic.

Was it really painful for you during those five years? I could not bring myself to talk about the topic because it was a torture, but if it wasn't a torture for you, would've you said something about it? It must be hard for you too, it seems like you thought about me too.

But then I assumed that you had the urge to talk about it, because I remember the next year on my twenty-fifth birthday, I had a week off from work and you brought me back to home, to the island. I was surprised because it has been a while since I've visited home, I think it has been eight months since I last visited home.

I did not complain though because I thought it was my best birthday gift from you. We met my parents and your parents, we all had a family dinner on our favourite restaurant and they celebrated my twenty-fifth birthday. It was great and I was thankful.

It was late night when the dinner was finished and you brought me to our place; the real flower field from our memories.

We sat on the bench and gazed at the ocean before us, it was peaceful. We stayed like that with the wind and our silence singing together. It was until you suddenly leaned forward and turned your head towards me, your face said it all, you wanted to talk about it.

"Tell me," You said. I looked at you with a blank face, you sighed, "I know you know what I'm talking about,"

"What do you mean?"

Your face does not show an irritation, you gave me a small smile instead, "Tell me how have you been during those five years. From the day after our friendship ended to the day before you met me,"

I giggled, I guess it was time we talked about it. I started my story and you listened to me wholeheartedly. You never interrupted me once and only smiled, your stare never leave my eyes. And when I was done I asked for your side of story.

I, Lily, Nari. | Jeon Wonwoo |Where stories live. Discover now