Chapter 4: Jumping The Firewall

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The four of us ran to my dorm room.

You might be thinking, "Didn't Erica text you? Wouldn't you go to her dorm room?"

If you thought that, you're incredibly stupid and haven't been listening to a word I've said this whole time.

Erica is cold.

She doesn't trust anyone.

Which is why she doesn't want people to know that she has a really nice room. She thinks, or I should say thought that relationships were a bad idea in the spy business.

If people know she has posters of kittens and other stuff, people will lose respect for her. Also, they'll probably die. It's a 50-50 situation.

I quickly opened my door to find Erica on a laptop at my desk, reading an article. "Ben, come see this," she said worriedly.

She played a video that looked to be two months old.

"People of ERROR and every evil agency! I have developed a new theory which will demonstrate the intelligence and superiority of ERROR!" said an old man in the video. Lohan ran over with Zoe and Mike. "Oh-no," Lohan said. "We should all know about the 404 project, right? Well, Lohan Brights, the test subject holds supreme power in his blood from the serum. So, if we were to have that power, we would need to get ahold of his blood. But the blood would only last about one month. But his heart...his heart would give us everything we'd need to destroy the CIA and cause mayhem all over the world!"

Lohan began to hyperventilate. "Calm down, Lohan," Mike said. "Calm Down? I'm going to die eventually. Don't I have the right to be freakin' out?"

All of a sudden, Lohan looked as if he was glitching. "Oh-no. I'm not stable!" Lohan turned into a spark and zoomed into the laptop.

"Lohan?" Zoe asked, "Are you okay?" The website Erica was on had a little chatbot open on it started to respond.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dazed, that's all." Mike was excited. "Dude, you're living in a computer. This is awesome."

"It's not good," Erica said, "How do you get out?" Lohan was a bit dazed in that area too. "I think I have to calm down first." Erica wasn't very good at reading rooms. "Well, get calm already!" Lohan tried to relax, but it was hard to with so many people watching. Eventually, he got out of the computer, but not unharmed. "Oh, God!" Zoe shrieked. It was as if Lohan's right eye was glitching. "Oh. My eye. Don't worry, it's just a side effect."

"A freaky one," Mike added. Zoe cuffed him on the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

Erica was trying to figure out what to do in this situation. "We're defiantly not safe here," she said. "Well, where can we go?" Lohan asked. "We need to go to the source of the problem," I said. Erica looked at me pleased. Lohan finally understood what I meant, but not before Mike shouted it out.

"We're going to Bruce Dooling?!"

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