Chapter 7: My Plan And Skorzeny's Arrival

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Unknowing of Skorzeny's arrival, I was in the computer room. Since I didn't know who the final Nazi would be, I was researching ones I hadn't faced before, to educate myself, and guess what their powers would be. I had gotten a book from the library, about famous Nazis.
I sat in front of the computer, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. It was time to face the darkness head-on. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, unsure of what I might uncover, but I knew I had to gather as much information as possible.
I began by typing the name "Dr. Josef Mengele" into the search bar. The screen filled with a flood of results, each one more disturbing than the last. Mengele, known as the "Angel of Death," had conducted heinous experiments on innocent people during the Holocaust. My mind couldn't fathom the depths of his cruelty.
As I delved deeper into my research, a chilling thought struck me. What if Mengele possessed powers derived from his gruesome experiments? The power to manipulate life and death, to toy with the fragile balance of existence? A shiver ran down my spine as I imagined him wielding dark forces, his presence striking fear into the hearts of those he encountered.
Next, I turned my attention to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the "Desert Fox." His military brilliance was renowned, and I couldn't help but wonder what powers he might possess. Perhaps Rommel could manipulate tactics and illusions, creating a battlefield of confusion and deceit. The thought of facing an opponent who could bend reality to their whim sent a chill down my spine.
My gaze shifted to Amon Goeth, a sadistic monster responsible for countless atrocities. I felt a mixture of revulsion and curiosity as I researched his deeds. Could Goeth's powers be derived from his malevolence, granting him the ability to manipulate minds? I imagined him plunging his victims into nightmarish hallucinations, feeding off their fear and tormenting their very souls.
But the unsettling search didn't end there. saw one more person in the book. My mind raced as I searched his name—Reinhard Heydrich, the architect of the Holocaust. The shadows seemed to dance around his name, and a sense of foreboding washed over me. Heydrich, a master manipulator, could probably control the darkness itself. He would be a formidable adversary, striking from the depths of shadow and amplifying the darkness within others.
Fear gripped my heart, threatening to overwhelm me, but I couldn't let it consume me. I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve. These villains were terrifying, but they had to be stopped. I couldn't let their evil prevail. The innocent lives lost to their atrocities demanded justice.
With renewed determination, I closed the browser, my mind buzzing with newfound knowledge. I didn't know which one I'd face, but the battle against these villains would be perilous, I was ready to face them, armed with the strength of my powers and the resolve to protect those I held dear.
I stood up from the computer, my gaze fixed on the horizon. The shadows of the past would not define me. I would rise, like an angel with the power of light, to confront the darkness head-on. And with that thought, I closed the computer, ready to challenge the terrors that awaited me. Suddenly, there was a tremendous crash from the foyer! Someone had kicked the door down! I quietly tiptoed from my room and went to see what had happened. My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed upon the sinister figure of Otto Skorzeny, the man responsible for my sister's death. Every fiber of my being wanted to turn and run, to hide from the malevolence that emanated from him. But I knew I couldn't let fear paralyze me. I had to confront him, for my sister, for all the innocent lives he had taken.
Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself and descended the stairs, my trembling hands clenching into fists. Skorzeny's piercing gaze followed my every move, relishing the terror he instilled in me. I could feel his dark aura enveloping me, trying to break my spirit.
Summoning all the courage I had, I found my voice. "You... you monster!" My voice wavered, but I pressed on. "You took my sister from me. You destroyed our family."
Skorzeny's grin widened, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. "Ah, the little angel speaks," he sneered, mocking me with a cruel laugh. "You're just like her, weak and helpless. You won't survive this encounter."
His words sent a chill down my spine, but I refused to back down. I had grown stronger since the last time we met, and I was determined to make him pay for the pain he had inflicted on my family.
Summoning my powers, I tried to channel the light within me, to banish the darkness that surrounded Skorzeny. But my fear kept getting in the way. Doubt gnawed at my resolve, and my powers flickered like a fragile candle in a gust of wind.
Skorzeny sensed my vulnerability and took a menacing step forward. "Pathetic," he spat, the venom in his voice like a dagger to my heart. "Your powers are nothing compared to the darkness I command. You're nothing but a child playing with toys."
His taunts ignited a spark of anger within me. I couldn't let him belittle me like this. My sister's memory demanded more. With renewed determination, I forced myself to focus, to push past the fear that threatened to consume me.
As I gathered my strength, a sense of clarity washed over me. My sister's spirit seemed to stand beside me, her presence a source of courage. I knew I wasn't alone in this fight.
Summoning the light within, I unleashed a powerful blast of energy toward Skorzeny. He dodged with surprising agility, but my attack had caught him off guard. The darkness around him wavered, weakened by the brilliance of my powers.
Skorzeny growled, his eyes burning with rage. "You little pest! You'll regret defying me!"
His threats only fueled my determination. I couldn't let him continue his reign of terror. With every fiber of my being, I channeled the light, determined to banish the darkness that consumed him.
I may have been afraid, but I refused to let that fear control me. My sister's memory, my love for my family, and the strength of my powers all merged into a force I could no longer contain.
Skorzeny lunged at me, but this time, I was ready. I summoned all my strength, and the clash of light and darkness filled the room. At that moment, I knew that even though the road ahead would be treacherous, I was no longer just a scared girl. I was Angeliana, the protector, the light against the shadows, and I was ready to face whatever darkness lay ahead. My heart pounded in my chest as I faced the terrifying Otto Skorzeny, his dark powers and malevolence on full display. I mustered up all the courage I had, conjuring a pink blast of magic to defend myself. With a swift motion, I hurled it toward him, hoping to push back the darkness that surrounded him. But to my shock, he caught it effortlessly in his massive hand, as if my magic was nothing more than a mere spark.
His sinister grin widened, relishing the fear in my eyes. "Puny," he sneered, taunting me with his overwhelming strength. "You underestimated me, little girl. I will enjoy crushing you."
My heart sank as he ascended the stairs toward me, his every step sending shivers down my spine. I knew I had to fight back, no matter the odds stacked against me.
"Let go!" I screamed as he grabbed my arm, his grip like an iron vice. I struggled, desperate to break free, but his hold on me only tightened. He raised his other fist menacingly, ready to knock me out and deliver me to the clutches of evil.
I mustered all my determination, refusing to surrender to the darkness that threatened to swallow me whole. "I won't let you take me to that monster!" I cried out, my voice trembling but defiant.
Skorzeny chuckled darkly, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. "Hitler? HITLER?" he mocked, shaking his head. "This isn't just about him. Many of us have a bone to pick with you, the Jewish girl who dares to defy us. Let's give them a show they won't forget."
As the realization dawned upon me, terror surged through every fiber of my being. Skorzeny didn't want to take me to Hitler; he wanted to savor the thrill of killing me himself. I knew I had to find a way to escape, to survive this encounter with the monstrous Nazi.
Summoning all my strength, I wrenched my arm free from his grasp, ducking and weaving to avoid his powerful strikes. Adrenaline surged through me, granting me a burst of speed and agility I didn't know I had.
In one swift motion, Skorzeny swung his fist at my face, but I managed to evade it, my heart pounding in my ears. His fist crashed into the wall, leaving a deep dent in its wake.
With a newfound determination, I channeled my powers, focusing on the light within me. I knew I couldn't match his brute strength, but I had something he didn't – the power of hope, the strength of love, and the will to protect those I cared about.
Summoning all the magic I could muster, I unleashed a blinding burst of pink energy toward him. Caught off guard, Skorzeny stumbled backward, momentarily blinded by the brilliance of my powers. After he recovered, Skorzeny swung his fist at my face, and I fell! As I stumbled on the stairs, pain shooting through my body from Skorzeny's powerful blow, a wave of despair washed over me. I realized that I was just a scared girl, not some heroic, super-powered savior. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I gazed up at the monstrous man standing over me.
In that moment of vulnerability, an idea flickered in my mind. I needed to stall him, to buy some time. "You'd risk Hitler's wrath. I didn't think you were THIS dumb!" I spat out, my voice trembling. "Go ahead, kill me! What's Hitler going to do to you?"
I didn't care about this man or his twisted loyalty to Hitler, but I needed him to hesitate. If I died, what would stop Hitler from continuing to pursue other souls? He might not have mine, but he'd still be a dangerous threat, and countless others would suffer.
Skorzeny's response sent chills down my spine. "The reason I'm about to kill you is simple: bloodlust. Giving people like you slow and painful deaths is the way of the NAZIS!" he snarled, his eyes gleaming with wickedness. He then proceeded to kick me. I fell on the stairs in pain.
The pain was overwhelming, and I could feel my body weakening, but I refused to give in. I had to keep him talking, keep him from finishing me off. "You're nothing more than a puppet to Hitler!" I retorted, my voice defiant despite my fear. "You think you're powerful, but you're just a pawn in his twisted game!"
My words seemed to strike a nerve, but I knew I couldn't rely on just words to save me. With every ounce of strength left, I tried to crawl away, to escape his reach. But his heavy Nazi boot came down again, delivering another brutal kick that sent searing pain throughout my body. I cried out, feeling helpless and broken. Suddnely, it dawned on me. Loretta... I'll die here, just like her... Skorzeny will kill me... I couldn't stop myself from falling into despair. I started to cry, and I couldn't stop... I started to cry, knowing I was defeated. I knew what would happen next... Hitler would come... He'd take my soul... I'd be at his mercy forever... I curled up into a ball, scared. Suddenly, an ominous red light enveloped Skorzeny, and he vanished from my house. In his place emerged an even more sinister figure, Hitler himself. He strode toward me, the heavy steps of his boots echoing like the tolling of funeral bells.
"Please... Please don't steal my soul..." I whimpered, my voice barely above a whisper. Hitler's grin widened, a chilling sight that sent shivers down my spine.
"You lose, Angel. You were bested by Skorzeny. Now, get up and address your Fuhrer!" I struggled to stand, clutching my side where Skorzeny's brutal kick had landed.
"N-no! You're not my Fuhrer! You never WILL be!" I stammered defiantly, though my fear was palpable. Hitler exerted his dark powers, drawing me closer to him.
"Well, after I steal your soul, you'll be at my mercy forever!" His words hung in the air like a death sentence, and I braced myself for what was about to happen. Hitler's icy, gloved hand closed around my throat, mirroring the haunting image I'd seen in the book. The moment his grasp tightened, a searing pain erupted within me, as if my very soul was being torn asunder. I couldn't suppress the agonized cry that escaped my lips as he began to drain the essence of my being.
My soul was slipping away, an excruciating experience that left me feeling utterly defenseless. Through the torment, Hitler's laughter rang in my ears. It was a piercing, chilling sound, dripping with malevolence.
As the darkness closed in and my vision faded, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the end, if my existence was to be forever swallowed by the abyss...

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