The first date

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Mariah-the next day I woke up smiling bright ash excited for my date and then.."AHHH" I screamed "SHHH" angel yelled back I adjusted my eyes to see better "angel wtf! Why are u watching me sleep" I said "I'm getting u ready let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me "wait it's not till three!!" I said "good we're gonna need the time!" She shouted "it's 10am!" I said "it's actually 12 but yk" she laughed "wtf!?" I said she shoved me in the shower after my shower she had my clothes they were cute even tho idk where I'm going so it might be fancy but who cares.

After that she did my makeup and hair she pulled my shit hard asf my shii ain't weave bitch "ow bitch this ain't a wig!" I said holding my head from her tight ass grip "girl shut up you bald anyway" she said "bitch my hair is 26 inches" I said "wtv" she said after I was finally done it was 2:55 "I need your location he needs to come speak I need license plate and where your going and when you'll be back" Tyrese rammed on about different details he needed I rolled my eyes "boy u can have my location and introduction that's it" I said "no." He said so coldly "ugh." I replied ding dong the bell rung "that's him" i said as angel opened the door smiling big asf

"She's right here!!" She said he looked surprised then smiled and looked over at me "omg Mariah you look even more beautiful" he complemented me "thanks Zion" I said "I'm Tyrese her eldest brother when do u plan on bringing back my sister." Tyrese mentioned to say  "and where u going" Zack added on "guys!" I shouted Zion was taller then Zack and Tyrese it looked funny angel started holding in her laugh "first she's grown ash secondly she'll be back later and third she's safe don't worry." He said I laughed "period Zion let's go" I said he smiled "ofc ma" said Zion and we left

First we went to this carnival downtown it was funny looking colorful and shit before we got out the car he held my hand "I hope u enjoy this time with me" he said looking in my eyes  "I'm sure I will u seem sweet" I replied "wanna get high?" Said Zion "hell yeah!" I said he smiled and started rolling up he had weed everywhere like a lot surprised he ain't get caught with this shit.

We smoked four woods before deciding to go in he got out the car before me I was still getting my things together I prayed this date would go as planned the door flung open as the wind hit my face I coughed cause our previous hotbox he took my hand gently and helped me out the car I felt like I was walking on clouds which is a usual matter when I'm high as a kite.

Walking into the entrance of the carnival I thought it was a small little thing but it's actually pretty big "nice" I commented "glad u fuck wit it" he said

I smiled big asf like ear to ear big "what first?" He asked I looked around to see what would catch my attention first I saw a bright pink spiny rollercoaster so I pointed "there!" I said with excitement we traveled through the crowd over to the l...

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I smiled big asf like ear to ear big "what first?" He asked I looked around to see what would catch my attention first I saw a bright pink spiny rollercoaster so I pointed "there!" I said with excitement we traveled through the crowd over to the line and he gave the guy our tickets. When getting on he held my hand "u scared?" I asked "no I just like touching you" he answered "creepy" I said jokingly he chuckled.

After the ride I felt my heart pounding hard ash "oh hell naw I can't take this shii high" I said he laughed hard like rolling on the floor hard "it's not that funny" I said he kept laughing so I stumbled away dizzy ash from the ride he soon caught up with me and dragged me to a shooting range "step right up play the game win a prize very simple or is it!!" The owner of the station shouted proudly over the crowd Zion than paid him three dollars to play he won the game surprisingly he had great aim

"Which one?" The owner asked us, Zion looked at me with a questioning face "the panda bear" I said the owner gave us the cute little bear and we walked away "thank you!" I said to Zion "ofc" he responded with a smile on his face in that moment something inside me felt different his smile put a smile on my face I felt happier than usual I felt like a ray of sun.

After two hours we started feeling hungry it was 5pm after all we didn't eat aswell "do you wanna go to dinner?" He asked "yeah that's fine" I answered hungry ash we went to the car and he opened the door for me getting inside I sat back and took a quick nap while he drove off when arriving to the restaurant he woke me up to fix myself I felt a bubble of embarrassment overwhelm me as I fixed myself.

Going inside I felt special and dressed properly

Going inside I felt special and dressed properly

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"Your gorgeous mama" he said I felt my face get hot as I looked at him we were seated at a table eventually he walked ahead of me to pull out my chair this guy is really a charm huh "thank you" I appreciated him for being a gentle man whoever his ...

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"Your gorgeous mama" he said I felt my face get hot as I looked at him we were seated at a table eventually he walked ahead of me to pull out my chair this guy is really a charm huh "thank you" I appreciated him for being a gentle man whoever his mama is she is raising him right "mama" he said "what's up with the names?" I asked.

"You don't like em?" He responded he got a look og worry on his face before I responded "no I do it's just I haven't heard u call my actual name all day..actually since we met" I mentioned at the mall he called me mama too. "well I prefer nicknames than your actual name" he said I looked pleased because I actually do like having nicknames "Soo let's discuss that what will u call me when you're happy?" I asked he seems to switch it up a lot "I will call you my heart" he answered I felt warm inside like butterfly's but they were on fire "when you're comforting me?" I asked him.

"Well I'll call u my darling" he answered while making eye contact I can't hold contact so I looked away and covered my mouth "what about when your mad at me" I asked feeling a little anxious risking it all lmao "I'll call you your maiden name" he answered nothing wrong with that "I doubt I could get mad at u" he said I just thought to myself oh no buddy u gon get mad I'm difficult to deal with

"Hi how are you guys doing are u ready to order?" The waitress approached us after taking another table order "hi yes we are" Zion answered him "k what would u like sir" the waitress asked while looking over at me his face as pink a little he was checking me out "I'll have a Philadelphia steak with asparagus and shrimp with a glass of rosemary champagne" Zion ordered, his order sounded nice and good ima take a bite.

"Now for the lovely lady" the waitress said I forced a smile and a short laugh thanking him "I would have the two lobster tails with mashed potatoes on the side sprinkled with pepper not to much pepper tho and the same glass of champagne please" I said I low key sound fat asf the waitress was writing the whole thing down and looked back at us "ok your order will be approaching you guys soon" he said to walking away with a smile.

"He was cheacking u out." Zion mentioned while he rubbed his fingers together as if he were fidgeting "totally was not my cup of tea at all" I said jokingly Zion did a short term laugh and we started talking again.


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