Met his mother

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Mariah- as a lady walked out she stood and smiled "yeah ma I'm dropping only Malissa off" Zion said "omg what happened to my baby!?" She asked "I popped her in her mouth" he responded she looked worried asf "why you never hit your sisters!" She shouted he was starting to get mad but he kept it cool "she had a attitude all day she's disrespectful to my lady when she was only being nice and she keep looking at this grown ass man who's married and has two kids Malissa." He said ending his sentence talking to Malissa's

His mama started to get mad "you don't hit my daughter Zion and you why tf are u so rude! I raised u better than this" his mama started shouting "it's not fair I hate y'all you should've never came in my brother life and you're switching up on me for that bitch! And you guys are traders!" Malissa went on a rant.

This her last time calling me a bitch fs her mama slapped her this time and she ran upstairs "ahem." Zions mother fixed herself and smiled "sorry about that. Hi how are you guys I'm Izabella I'm Zions mother and who are you?" She asked she seem sweet asf just don't get on her bad side. I spoke up first "I'm Mariah I'm Zions girlfriend" she smiled "he picked a pretty one not like his last" she said I giggled cause stopppp "ma really" Zion sighed

"Hello I'm angel I'm Mariah's older sister and Zions sister in law" angel spoke up she so extra bruh I laughed a little "yesss so your the one helping me plan their wedding?" Izabella said to angel "ahhhh I love her!!!" Angel said running towards Izabella who smiled warmly "I'm Tyrese I'm the oldest out of angel Mariah and Zack" Tyrese pointed to Zack to let her know who he is "hey I'm Zack I'm the second oldest to Mariah and angel" Zack introduced himself and she waved at all of us.

"Alright mama Ronald and Maranda staying the night with me" Zion said as we were about to walk out "ok be safe everyone" she said smiling we all nodded and left getting to my house was the best hotbox ever since it took 20 minutes to get there everyone who wasn't driving rolled a wood except Maranda.

When arriving at my house we seen my mama and papa leaving "mama papa!" I shouted "hi baby!" Mama said to me I got out the car and hugged her "where you guys going" I asked "oh it's date night remember he taking me to a concert and dinner" she replied to me with excitement in her eyes "oh Weil wait!" I said everyone got out the car "these are Zion siblings that's Ronald's he's 18 and the second oldest and that's Maranda she's 15 she has a twin it was a lot of drama so the twin isn't here" I said pining to them saying their names.

"I'm aware your sister told Me so they're the nice ones and the rude one is gone?" She asked Maranda and Ronald nodded yes "we'll your welcomed in my home anytime one rule is don't disrespect my babies and we're fine" she said getting in the car we waved bye and went inside me and Ronald hopped on vr and shared it to the big screen in the living room and everyone rolled up again and got drinks to watch us.

After 20 minutes "how!?" Ronald shouted I laughed "ahhh I bussed yo ass like I said!!" I teased Ronald "fineee" he said it was someone else's turn next and Zion went against Tyrese "wanna go bake cookies and cook dinner?" I asked the ladies, "hell yeah!" Maranda shouted, "fs you guys keep playing well be back" I said they was distracted they ain't care.

Us girls walked off "wow your kitchen is big asf" Maranda said "thanks" I replied I started getting all the stuff we need out "do you have a boyfriend" angel asked Maranda, Maranda started to blush "I have a crush" she replied red in the face "ooooh" angel said "so does he like u back?" I asked "idk he is kind to me and gives me things but isn't that what friends do" Maranda asked I smiled "depends on how often he's doing it" I said angel then spoke up after me.

"If he's doing it every day he fucking like like you like wanna be yo man if it's everyone once in a while he doesn't he's just being nice and if it's once a week he likes u fs" Maranda smiled "so what should I do because it's every day" Maranda asked with a quiet tone. "Honey what you should do is call him like right now" I said rinsing the veggies while angel seasoned the meat Maranda stopped chopping food and called her crush.

"What should I say what if he don't answer" she started panicking "calm down love" I said "yeah the worse he can do is say no which would be dumb cause your really pretty and nice" angel added on Maranda calmed down until.."Hello?" The boy spoke on speaker and she hung up. "Why'd you do that!?" Angel asked I tried to hold in my laugh but I couldn't.

"Honey call back and say hey than let him speak then say I wanted to tell u fa a min that I liked u" I said and she called back "hello Maranda?" He spoke again "uh..Xavier I have to tell you something" Maranda spoke up and her hands were shaking so I held them "what's up?" He asked she took a breath before speaking "I liked you for a minute now and I wanted to take things to another level but only if u want to!" She said embarrassed.

It was silent Iangl I started to get worried oh shit angel face started to look worried to "ofc Maranda I love you would you be my girlfriend" he asked her face lit the fuck up!!! "Yes!" She shouted and realized she did "I mean yeah I'll be your girlfriend" she said he laughed "fs I'll be to your place Saturday to take you out" he said she started jumping and then stopped "ok!" She said excitedly as they hung up we jumped and screamed.

The boys ran inside the kitchen "what happened!?" Zack shouted and they just started at us being happy "she got a boyfriend!!!" I shouted "what!?" Zion shouted "yeah baby aren't u happy for her!" I asked he pulled me to another room and locked the door "Mariah wtf" he said I looked confused what's happening.

"What?" I asked "your hanging out with my sister not encouraging her to get a boyfriend Mariah it's bad the other one be doing ts" he shouted but not loud enough to make everyone come here I know they can hear us tho "I didn't know she wasn't allowed to date..I just wanted to help her.." I said "help her what? Get fucked!" He started shouting louder at me.

"Zion stop yelling at me.." I said "Mariah use your brain for a fucking second she's 15 not 17 she can't fucking date! Her damn life just started fr!" He yelled more and more I felt some tears fall from my face call me a baby but I'm very sensitive my own family don't yell at me Zion looked at me and stopped yelling "I'm sorry.." he tried to say I pushed him and left to my room.

"Mariah wait!" Angel said following me upstairs to my room I sat on my bed and she just walked in "what is he mad about?" She asked i explained the story to her and she sighed "want me to talk to him?" She asked I shrugged my shoulders "that's all you needed to say honey fix yourself and come back down ok" she said I nodded and she left out.


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