My crazy ass wife

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Zion- looking for Mariah and the kids I drag Rina into the kitchen me and Armon heart sank. We seen the twins and kaito sitting in seats by the counter and Mariah holding one of Rina's gang members head She turned around with a smile, "wanna tell me who this is?" Mariah asked throwing the head to Rina.

Rina screamed "AHHH YOU KILLED MY COUSIN YOU DUMB BITCH" she yelled, "huh? No baby I didn't just kill your cousin. I killed the others to are they your cousins?" Mariah asked wiping her face from having blood on it. My wife managed to kill five gang members by herself cook our children dinner and find out we were coming here anyway.

Rina faced was full of tears "Mariah opened our kitchen pantry and all you seen were dismembered bodies some who's faces were smashed in other hands are broken she left one alive tho idk why. Mariah dragged him out and held him in front of Rina "see I don't do this killing shit especially around my babies not yours mine I know you want my husband bitch I seen the messages we gon leave you alive and yo next move better be yo best one." Mariah said

"I wanna show you what happens when you enter my home full of babies trying to harm my kids I spent 7 and 10 hours pushing out, the next time u enter my home this gon happen to you" Mariah continued to bash the gang member head in with a bat, she cut his hands and legs and stabbed him repeatedly.

After she finished she looked at Rina "you got it baby?" She asked Rina cried and idk if I was turned on or scared "oh hell naw she scare me" Armon said taking Rina to the van as he left "let's clean this up now should we?" I asked damn I wanted to fuck her so bad "kids go to the play room" I said and kaito took them there me and Mariah cleaned up and it took hours to do so.

She thought the work was done naw mama them kids sleep we going upstairs. Entering our bedroom ima fuck her up some more, I bent her down and she instantly knew what it was. "Cmon mama u made me see a side I never knew u had" I said rubbing her she laughed "because I don't kill people except when it comes to my babies" she said "like cmon Zion honestly how could u not see she was trying to kill them" Mariah said.

I sat down "I went to a meeting with her I would suspect she had her guards there I knew some shii was weird I just didn't make  it in time that's all" I said kissing her head she rolled her eyes and laid down "baby you really mad at me!" I asked she turned off her bed lamp and covered up. Fine she can be mad it's not like I can predict the future or something.

After 5 years

"Momm I'm twelve years old I don't need head kisses" kaito said to Mariah before leaving for school, "warrior cherish those kisses before their gone" I said Mariah laughed a little, "boy I'm 36 I'm not that old" she said. "ofc not you still sexy pregnant and all." I said slapping her ass she jumped a little and grabbed my hand "I'll break it" she said I smiled "do it" I responded kaito looked disgusted "ew" he said.

Recently kaito had been going to work out with me and train I've been telling him about the "family business" and ofc as I suspected he seems ok with it. kaito is very intelligent so he knows what's right what's wrong and all when it comes to the business he's going to take over when I die anyway but I'm sure that wouldn't be for a while.

"Go get your brothers stupid" I said he laughed and walked off. "twins!!" I heard him shout from the grand entrance life couldn't be better for me I love my life and my wife, "don't you think your training him a little rough I mean he is young as fuck" Mariah said looking at me with a worried face, "naw it's perfect at this age he already developed he just needs to train his muscle but his knowledge is extraordinary" I said smiling.

"Whatever you say baby" she said kissing my cheek I smiled and walked away getting the kids in the car "y'all good?" I asked "yeah" kaito answered "yes!" Emilio responded "no I don't wanna go to school" Roberto said I laughed and pulled off "boy third grade is ok" I responded "whatever you say dad" Roberto said.

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