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I did not, in fact, see Knox the next day.

I sat on my usual bench, still waiting for him to show up well after the first bell hand rung. Not a single other person was in sight as I sat there. I waited and waited - even texting Knox twice without receiving a single response. Neither Liam nor Sean had made any appearance either.

I couldn't call Serena to pick me up - I would be too embarrassed to admit that I couldn't walk into school without Knox at my side. I may have been getting better but that felt completely dependent on his presence and there was no way I could admit that to Serena without worrying her even more.

And with Knox not answering my texts, I had no choice other than to walk home.

My legs were stiff and my eyes glistened with tears the entire way home. Not only had he not answered me and not warned me in any way that he wouldn't be at school, but he had told me just yesterday that he would see me today.

He lied.

He still didn't show up Tuesday. Nor did he show up on Wednesday. By the time Thursday morning came, I didn't bother getting ready to even attempt seeing if he would be at school this time.

Serena knew I was coming back home immediately - skipping all my classes. At first, I was afraid to admit that the reason was because Knox wasn't with me but I couldn't lie to her when she had asked me so directly. She seemed to understand - or at least tried to. She honestly didn't say much, her face giving away none of her thoughts but she didn't argue when I continued to stay home.

I was grateful when Wendy had to cancel our normal session on Wednesday. She had come down with something and didn't want to risk it getting worse nor giving it to any of her patients. I felt more than relieved to know that I wouldn't have to admit to her that I was struggling with Knox's absence right now.

I spent my time at home fairly unproductively in all honesty. I traveled back and forth between the couch and my bed. I did manage to get all my homework done and I kept up with the assignments my teachers posted online, but I didn't do much else.

I rolled out of bed Friday morning feeling more sluggish than usual.

I had slept well and gone to bed at a reasonable hour, but after this entire week of doing practically nothing, I was starting to feel like a zombie.

I trudged down the stairs, Serena having left already, and went into the kitchen to make myself some chocolate milk.

I had been standing at the counter, sipping on my milk while staring out the kitchen window absentmindedly for not too long when a loud knock on the front door sounded through the house.

I frowned, still clutching my glass of milk as I slowly made my way over.

Peaking out the peep-hole, my eyes widened. My pulse immediately skyrocketed, my palms grew slick, and my stomach churned. I wretched open the door, revealing none other than the boy who I'd been agonizing over all week.

And if I was being honest, Knox did not look himself. He had dark bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept most of the week. His hair looked like he had been relying on just his fingers to comb through it and his eyes didn't have their usual light.

He looked like a shadow of himself.

"Knox?" I asked, shifting between my feet as I took in his appearance.

I wasn't sure exactly how I was supposed to be feeling in this moment. All week I had gone between feeling sad and mad, frustrated and confused at his surprise absence and overall radio silence. As much as I was expecting to still feel that way when seeing him again, even if part of me still is upset, I was also excited that he was finally in front of me again.

Knox's Little AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now