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Lu Yugang thought he had seen the wrong person at first, but when Shen Xining turned his head as if aware of it, he realized that he had seen the wrong person. Thinking about it again yesterday, she deliberately asked him about the time he would go to work, how could Lu Yu not understand Shen Xining way of doing?

A hard heart seems to be filled with warm spring water, slowly softening.

When Shen Xining saw Lu Yuhou, she waved slightly at him, and when he nodded in response, she smiled and suddenly felt a sweetness in her heart.

Lu Yu first sent the prepared milk tea to the guests at other tables, and then went to the counter to take a look. He knew that Shen Xining had ordered a glass of watermelon juice and a fruit mousse, and was about to go to the kitchen to see if it was ready. , the girl who had just entertained Shen Xining came out with watermelon juice and fruit mousse.

Seeing this, Lu Yu whispered to her, "Is this from table nine?"

Tang Min didn't expect that Lu Yu, who had always been taciturn and unsociable, would take the initiative to talk to her. She was stunned for a moment and then nodded, "Yes." "Yes.

" Let me do it." After Lu Yu said this, he took the dinner plate from Tang Min without any explanation and strode towards table nine.

Tang Min was stunned and glanced at table nine, knowing that the guest at table nine was a girl with delicate eyebrows and no makeup. But why did Lu Yu take the initiative?

The cashier colleague next to her knew what she was confused about with just one glance. He smiled ambiguously and explained her confusion in a low voice, "Don't you understand why? Lu Yu probably has a crush on the guests at that table."

Tang Min was startled . , I didn’t think about this at first, so I looked at table No. 9 again, and saw that the guest at table No. 9 didn’t know what he said to Lu Yu, and his eyebrows actually softened a little.

This was something she had never seen before.

Tang Min's carefully drawn eyebrows wrinkled subconsciously, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Lu Yusheng was handsome and a top student. Even Tang Min, who was two years older than him, couldn't help but be moved by him. She thought he was cold-tempered and would not fall in love with any girls, so she thought that she and Lu Yu were colleagues, and they would create some sparks when they got along day and night. But the appearance of this girl today really gave her a sense of crisis. The hand she placed on her side quietly clenched into a fist. She didn't allow her to think too much. The cashier colleague reminded her that the customer at table 15 was gone and asked her to go. Clean up the mess.

Tang Min took a deep breath, calmed down his thoughts, and walked to table 15.

On the other side, Lu Yu came to Shen Xining with a dinner plate.

"Why are you here?"

Shen Xining suppressed his raised eyebrows and said mysteriously, "Are you surprised?"

"What?" Lu Yu couldn't react for a moment.

Seeing this, Shen Xining shook her head, seeming to blame him for his slowness, but she didn't intend to show off, and said bluntly: "I'll give you a surprise."

Give him a surprise?

Lu Yu was unusually stunned.

Shen Xining couldn't help but take a few more glances, a smile crept up on his brows, and his eyes flickered with hope. Lu Yu, who had just recovered his senses, couldn't help but glance at it again.

"Why don't you say anything? Isn't it surprising enough?"

Lu Yu suddenly came back to his senses.

Not surprising enough? the answer is negative. How could he not be surprised?

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