Chapter 13

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"So, can you guys help me go shop for some clothes after school?" Abby asked me and Lauren while I was putting my books at my locker.

"Where you goin' ?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing special...just some date with some guy." She replied shyly smiling and looking at the ground while tucking her blonde hair to her ear.

"Who are you going with?" I ask again smiling at her and turning my back again to continue collecting and putting back my books.
"Do tell!" Lauren adds in excitement.

"Well, its Cameron. he asked me on a date tomorrow night." she said grinning widely.

Lauren looked shocked but smiled and looked at me. So, not to be rude.

"O my gosh! We're so happy for you Abby! Of course, we would help you buy a dress!" I said hugging her.

"Aww... thanks, Stacy! Your just so sweet" she said hugging back.

Geniunely, I am happy for her. But, I just cant remove that tint of hurt in my heart, and a bit of jealousy and dash of annoyance.

I am annoyed because one, why didnt Cameron tell me? Two, its bro-night every Friday and he's gonna miss it? How dare he.

After school, I honestly enjoyed shopping with them. We ended up buying a baby blue colored dress that goes mid thigh. [Abby wearing the dress on the side]

"CAMERON!" Nash called out to Cameron who was walking out of his last period classroom.

"Dude, you better not be late." Matt said while were walking to our lockers, which were just beside each other.

"Oh dude I forgot! Cant go with you guys later." he said.

"Why?" I asked

"Uhh... homework." he said not facing us.

"You never do your homeworks duing Fridays, and you dont even do your homeworks." I said confused.

Oh I wait, he has a date with Abby right?

"Oh and I some stuff with my family, so I really cant go." he lied.

Wait what? Why would he lie?

"So yeah.. I got to go, bye guys!!" He yelled and ran out of the school.

Welp.. Im here with Taylor and Nash [a/n: I just want to change something. Shawn, Matt, Taylor and both of the Jacks live near by and also goes to the same school. Ok? K.] playing Call of Duty.

After I just crushed Taylor effortlessly in all of the video games we were playing since we arrived at Taylor's basement slash his room. Jack and Jack together with Shawn came down to join us.

You see missing bros night is like making a crime. Since we consider bros night like a ritual, and disobeying the rules is just a huge disrespect for the ritual.

"Yo where's Dallas?" Johnson asked sitting down next to me on the sofa.

I was about to say in Texas but I wasnt really in the mood to be all sarcastic and smart-ass attitude tonight.

"Doing 'family stuff'" I said devouring a fist full of Lays and using my fingers to give emphasis to 'family stuff'.

"I cant believe Cam missed bros night tonight. He'll miss the opening game for this season!" Gilingsky histerically rants.

We plan on watching our school play against our rival school. Matt and Hayes are playing so were there to support them.

"You guys ready?" Shawn asked grabbing his keys.

"Hell yeah!" We chorused enthusiastically.
I am curremtly wearing my brother's old jersey. A huge shirt, but suprisingliy looks good on me. The number 13 was printed accross the back of the shirt, in white and bold letters it said TAYLOR. The jersey was a combination of black and white, our school's color.

I kinda forgot to mention that I have an older brother who's currently in college and who happens to be the star quarterback last year since it was his last year before he graduated. His name is Alex, Alex Taylor.

We were wearing stuff that included black and white. We also have black facepaint. Mine was two black lines across both of my cheeks while the boys got numbers, lines and other stuff written across their cheeks. Taylor and I have matching black and white bandanas.

Loud drums and trumpets started playing, cheer leaders started dancing, and the crowd goes wild, cheering for their team with all their might as both teams went out from the cave.
Yeah I know, I know. I suck for not updating. I feel really bad for not updating for you guys.

So anyway... here's the update and if you guys are wondering if I will write abouth Cameron and Abby's date and Bro's night, that would be a yes. And that part would be located on the next chapter. And if you think this is a filler chapter, well I cant blame you.

I promise to make the story better, I honestly think that the story is getting quite out of hand.

So yeah tell me what you think and tell me if you agree with me.



-the flash ;)

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