You know?
When you are right..
Or when you are wrong
It's only matter of perception
So you can be right and still
You can be wrong
You can be right for yourself
And wrong for others
And the more people
See you wrong
The more wrong you appear
But then again
Since you are right for yourself
It really does not matter
If the world is against you
Or if the whole world think
That you are wrong
Since you are a universe itself
That is all that matter
Since you see yourself
No one else can make you wrong
Because you are right
Yet right and wrong
Sometimes appear
More complicated then they should be
Sometimes it is matter of ethics
Sometimes it's matter of feelings
Sometimes it's just our ego
But in the end
All I know
Is that,
As long as
You don't intend to
Hurt anyone
In any way
You are right
And that is all right
Because people
More then often hurt themselves
Then anyone could
Because they take poison of other's words
And drink every time to feel something
And so they hurt themselves over and over
Wondering why others did or said what they did
Lost words
PoetrySome words, some thoughts, some feelings-- complicated, intricate, fragile gets lost in the day to day. So let's carve out those, and let them breathe and come to existence through the mere power of poetry