Chapter 1

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This story includes drug addiction.

Zayn wasn't allowed to have any of his personal belongings besides the clothing that didn't have any strings. He honestly didn't mind because he didn't really have a lot of things in his name.

He glared at himself in the reflection wondering what had his life come to. Why does he do this to himself, he didn't understand or know why he was this way. His jet black was all over the place, and his under-eye bags were visible. He looked exhausted.

"Zayn we are going to have to check for your blood pressure, and pulse," said a random man, interrupting him out of his thoughts. Zayn responded with a simple nod, "Please sit there," instructed the man to sit in this blue chair.

When Zayn followed the man's instructions, he came around with a blood pressure machine. As he wrapped the cuff around Zayn's arm, "My name is Dr Tim and I'm the overnight physicist and doctor, so you will have a completely different one in the morning," He informed him, with an enthusiastic smile on his face.

He nodded slowly, trying to process everything he was told. "You're not a bit of a talker huh?"

"Yeah," He barely responded, he wasn't exactly happy he was here, quite the opposite it overwhelmed him. He hasn't done any drugs in a week, and the craving he has for it is very strong. He was addicted to the euphoric feelings, and not being aware. The first few days were horrible, the night sweats, and the nightmares, it was like his body was taunting him.

He knew he was going to have to be here for a while, and that scared him a lot, he knew he needed to get cleaned but he didn't think he had it in him to do what it took.

"All done your blood pressure is good," He said removing the cuff off Zayn's arm, "I know you're probably tired, so I am going to show you to your room,"

Zayn nodded before getting out of the chair and following him to his room. His room was plain white and had two beds on opposite sides of the room. There was a boy already on the other side of the room with blue hair, sleeping on the bed.

Zayn tried as quietly to place his stuff down to not wake the boy. He was very exhausted from the long drive to arrive here. As soon as rested his face on the pillow he was fast asleep.


Zayn woke up to the sound of shuffling around the room. The sun unexpectedly hit his face, causing him to cover his eyes with the blanket, The blue-haired boy noticed he was awake, "I'm sorry for waking you,"

"Yeah, it's alright," Zayn sleepily mumbled, trying to adjust to the sun. He wasn't a morning person for sure.

When his eyes got adjusted to the sun, he lifted his body up to see the boy. He glanced around the room noticing things that he didn't see in the dark, there were chips on the side of the dresser. The blue-haired boy followed his eyes and saw what he was staring at. "Sobriety chips," he explained.

"What's that," he asked in confusion, he had never heard anything like that before.

"There are chips for how long you stayed sober," His response was a small nod. He wondered if he would ever earn those chips?" So, uh what is your name?" The boy asks nervously, fiddling behind his ear.

"Zayn, "he stated blandly. He didn't really like his name that much because he was named after his father, and he and his father didn't have the best relationship. "Yours?" he asked back.

"Kaiden," he answered, continuing to fiddle behind his ear. Zayn wasn't paying attention to the boy's features at first, he looked to be the same age as him, and he had plenty of piercings. Kaiden was also a relatively small guy, he also wore glasses that made his eyes look pretty big. Zayn used to wear glasses when he was younger, but he stopped wearing them because he didn't like the way he looked with them.

Zayn knew he needed to get ready, and all he wanted to do was lay in bed for the rest of his life and never get up. He forced himself off the bed, his muscles were tense from lying down, and he started to stretch. He glanced around the room to see where the bathroom is, while reaching into his bag for his toothbrush.

He entered the bathroom, instantly hit by the bright light of the ceiling lamp, he glanced around at the bathroom interior, it was pretty plain, barely decorated. He walked over to the sink, before putting the toothpaste on his toothbrush and running it over the water.

When Zayn was done brushing his teeth, he spat out the toothpaste in the sink before scrubbing his tongue, He cleaned his mess, and after exiting the bathroom he saw a man around his late 40s indicating to follow him.

Both Zayn and Kaiden followed the man's instructions, and he led them into a room with teen boys who looked to be around the same ages as him, all of them were seated in big rocking chairs. There was a woman who looked to be in her late 30s, smiling at them, motioning them to sit in the empty chairs.

"Good morning, everyone, I'm seeing a few new faces," she stated excitedly, with a huge smile on her face. "I want everyone to introduce themself,"

One of the teens started to scoff in irritation, "You make us do this every day." he bickered at the women, with a glare on his face. Zayn looked over at the boy to see what he looked like; he was dark-skinned with shoulder-length dreads. He thought he looked familiar, and he started searching through his memories pinpointing where he knew him from.

When he noticed Zayn staring, he instantly shot him with a glare. The lady ignored his attitude, and continued with the lesson, "Dre this exercise is to remind you of who you are, and what you want to be. It's repetitive, I know, but a lot of people lose sight of who you are and fall down the wrong path." she explained, "So let's start off with the people on the left side of the room,"

Zayn unconsciously zoned out as the boys began calling their names. He wasn't a social person at all, he hated speaking to people when he was sober. But when he was high, he was the complete opposite, all that fear just disappeared. And it felt like he could actually be himself, and enjoy life. He doesn't want to admit to himself that he is a drug addict, but deep down he knows.

"Your turn." The woman explained with a bright smile, and he was so lost in thought it almost made him jump.

"It's Zayn," he answered, with a nonchalant shrug.

"Well to the new faces, welcome. My name is Dr Dani, and I am everyone's counselor. We meet here every morning and afternoon for an hour to talk about everyone's future and substitutions for addictions. I'm here to teach there is always a better way." She said, "Does anyone want to be a lawyer or a doctor?" Nobody responded, and she continued to ask. "What about a teacher?"

Anthony raised his hand at her. She shook her head at him, "No one needs to raise their hands, this is an open place.

He nodded at her and continued "I'm passionate about becoming a teacher, I feel as though they're important in society."

"Bro, I don't see why," Dre scoffed at him, as he began to lean his head back in the chair, "Kids are pretty annoying," he explained in a way where what he said was obvious. Zayn didn't understand people like him, he could see these next few months in his presence were going to be hell.

"So pretty much like you," Anthony shot back with a sarcastic smile on his face. His eyes glowered with anger, if looks could kill Anthony would probably be 10 feet below.

"Enough," Dr Dani demanded of both boys, and she gave them both disappointed expressions. "Now Anthony I think becoming a teacher is great, and you would probably become an amazing teacher,"

"Thank you" he thanked her, with his lips folding into a grateful smile.

"Now everyone, I will see you this afternoon, and nice to meet all the new people who came yesterday," she said, as she was smiling and waving as the boys were beginning to leave the room.

As Zayn was about to get out of my chair, Dre came over to him, his eyes glared with anger, "What are you doing here?" he asked with hostility. At first, Zayn gave him a look of confusion, until the memories of him started flooding back. Zayn could feel his body become hot, and his hand clenched into a fist.

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