Chapter 2

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They both glared holes into each other, the tension between the both of them was thick, and Zayn could almost see his nose flare. The feeling of his hatred he felt for Dre began to come back.

Zayn analyzed his face, he looked different from how he was a few years ago, he was way taller, and his hair used to be shaven. They attended the same high school back when he was in 9th grade, and as soon as Dre laid eyes on him, the torment began. Though he was small, Zayn was way smaller than he was, and that made him feel superior, and he thought it was an opportunity to pick on him.

Zayn one day got tired of the torment, and the next thing he knew his fist swung in his face, and Dre's mouth was bloody, Dre punched him back in the face, and both boys were wrestling in the grass until one of the teachers pulled them off each other. After the rest of the school year, they always had it out for each other.

When the school year was close to ending, Dre and a group of his friends snuck up on Zayn and began jumping him. When Zayn returned home, his mother forced him to tell her who caused it and she reported to the school what happened. Dre and his friends ended up expelled, and he hadn't seen him in years.

"Snitch," Dre angrily said.

"Stay away from me," Zayn told him, almost coming out as a growl before standing up from the chair, storming away from him, practically hitting Dre's shoulder,

Zayn could feel Dre glare as he stormed out of the room. He was grateful that the room was empty, and he went over to his bed and just lay there, trying to make himself calm down. He knows as long as Dre's here, life is going to be miserable, and for some reason, Dre always has it out for him. Zayn was going to try to ignore him, and not allow himself to let him make this worse than it already is. He never hated someone as much as he hated Andre Grant.

A few moments later Kaiden walked into the room with his headphones in his ear, he didn't notice Zayn was in there until he turned his head and jumped, "Shit man you scared the hell out of me," he said out of breath, his hand on his chest. He removed his headphones, placed them on the dresser, and started putting all his belongings into bags.

"Are you leaving?" Zayn curiously asked.

He nodded as he continued, "They felt as though I was ready, and they just told me not too long ago that I could go home," He responded, he didn't seem so happy with leaving, quite the opposite, he had a frown on his face. "I've been here for almost 10 months, and I'm worried how things will be when everyone sees me. They're going to see me as this druggie who needed to go to rehab, especially everyone at school." he frantically ranted. Zayn saw where he was coming from and didn't think of that perspective.

"Well fuck them, man! You worked hard to get where you are, and if anyone judges you tell them to shove a foot in their ass," Zayn said, before motioning a kicking gesture, causing Kaiden to chuckle at the boy's idiocy.

"Thanks, man that made me feel better," he said as his lips curled into a grateful smile, He continued putting his belongings in bags, and Zayn stared off into the ceiling leaving the room with comfortable silence.

His face cringed as he was reminded of everything that happened this week, and why he was in here.


His mother yelled outside of his room to remind him that dinner was ready, when she heard no response, she began to become worried and entered his room, to see a sight that she would never forget.

A loud scream cries out of her mouth, it was the sight of Zayn having a seizure, foaming out of his mouth, his mother screamed at his sister to call the ambulance. His mother trembles with fear, hugging her child as if it is going to be the last.

Zayn opened his eyes to see his mother resting her head on the corner of the hospital bed. His sister sat on the opposite side of the room, fast asleep. As soon as his mother saw he was awake, she embraced him with the biggest hug.

Zayn's sister woke up moments after, and when she noticed he was awake, she raced towards him embracing him with a hug, "I was so worried about you," She bawled, as he could feel her tears fall down his back.

"I know, I am sorry," he said sadly, wrapping his arm over both his mom and his sister.

He started to feel guilty because he put his family through a lot, but he was in pain, and it wasn't something that Tylenol could fix, it was mental pain and the only way he could cope was with his pills.

As much as Zayn didn't want to be here, he knew he needed to be here. Zayn was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear Kaiden calling him. "Zayn come on, it's time for lunch," Kaiden explained.

Zayn responded with a nod before he followed him out of the room and into the cafeteria. He was engulfed in the smell of pizza, and chicken nuggets. The interior of the cafeteria reminded him of a school's one. There were trays of a variety of food, and that we could pick up. The was relatively huge, it was plenty of girls and boys sitting in chairs, Zayn thought that it was all boys he didn't realize girls were there as well.

Zayn could see a few familiar faces from the group sitting all around the cafeteria, he and Kaiden had picked up plates, and Zayn decided to choose pizza. He followed Kaiden into a few empty chairs, it was relatively loud in there, "Man am I going to miss being in here," Kaiden sarcastically said.

One of Kaiden's friends sat in the empty seat next to Kaiden., "What's up Kaiden." A blonde-haired boy greeted him before he took a bite out of his food. "I am going to miss your bitch ass, what time are you leaving?"

"Same man I'm going to miss you too. I'm actually leaving when lunch is over." Kaiden said, causing the blonde-haired boy to make an audible disappointment sound. "Also, this is Zayn,"

"Nice to meet you man, I'm Ethan," He introduced himself, as he gave Zayn a welcoming smile, reaching to give Zayn a handshake.

"Likewise," Zayn responded, shaking his hand.


Zayn and Ethan helped Kaiden with his belongings and brought them to the front. "I'm proud of you. You made it so far, and now my little birdy is about to flap his wings." Ethan said, engulfing him in a hug, "Take care of yourself,"

"Oh, shut up. And you take care of yourself too man," He responded sadly, as he hugged him back. As he released his hug with Ethan, he came over to Zayn and hugged him, "It was nice meeting you man I wish I could have had more time with you."

"Me too," He responded, as he released the hug, Kaiden left through the double doors, while waving at the both of them.

After he left, Zayn and Ethan parted ways, he decided to wander around the facility to see what he wanted to do. He had a few options, there was an outside area where you could play sports, and there was an indoor one where you could play board games and watch movies. He wanted to watch a movie, but he saw that it was too crowded, and he didn't willingly want to be in a room with too many people. So, he ultimately decided to just hang out in his room.

He entered his room to see Andre on Kaiden's old bed unpacking all of his belongings., "I'm your new roommate I guess, don't fuck with my stuff and I won't fuck with yours," He proclaimed as he was unpacking his bag, not completely unaware Zayn was in the room. When Zayn didn't respond, he made an audible annoyed sound,

As he glanced up, his eyes locking with Zayn, he stormed over to him, Zayn gasped as he felt the pain of being thrown against a wall. He held Zayn's body down, he'll admit he was strong, "Why are you in here snitch," He angrily said, his voice almost coming out as a growl. Everything happened so fast, it took Zayn a moment to process everything that was going on. Their bodies were practically touching, their faces were close to each other. Zayn could feel his cheeks start to get red, the tension between them was thick.

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