Chapter 11

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I was sitting in my room randomly struming chords on my bass guitar when the front door shut. The person set down paper bags somewhere in the room below me and began to shuffle up the stairs. I walked over to my door and poked my head out of the opening. It was Anna. She was trudging up the stairs with her head down.

"'Ello, love." Anna looked up with surprise, a gasp escaping her mouth.

"Oh, hi Paul." I smiled at her.

"'Ave fun with Cynthia this afternoon?" Anna nodded vigorously.

"I did, actually. But she takes the phrase, 'shop till you drop' a little too literally." She said with a giggle but something seemed a little bit off to her still.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Um...Cynthia. She I asked where I lived since, you know, I'm not from around here." I felt my heart pound against my chest.

"What did you say?"

"Well, I told her where I live, minus you time traveling through my phone to get me."

"Good." I let out a sigh of relief, but the look in Anna's eyes told me other wise. "What?"

"Well, she asked me where I really was from. She said she knew I was lying. I had to tell her, Paul! We were getting to be good friends and I couldn't stand lying to her." Her face flodded with fear and panic.

"No, no. I understand. You did the right thing Anna, I would have done the same thing." I pulled her into an embrace. She breathed heavily into my chest probably trying to keep from crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I frowned into her hair, not really sure who she was apologizing to.

"Anna? Can I ask ya somethin'?" I felt her nod. "Do'ya miss home? Like your home in 2015?"

"No." She mumbled into my chest. "I always felt uncomfortable in my time. This is home."


Hours after Anna came home, we found ourselves packing our bags for the tour. We were leaving in several minutes and dragged our feet to get anything done.

"Where do I put my bag, Paul?" I turned to find Anna in the door way of my room carrying her duffel I let her borrow.

"Over by the door will do. I'm almost done and the we can go." She smiled and went down the stairs to put her bag in place.

I heard Anna slip into the bathroom most likely to change into a disguise. As I zipped up my own duffel I began to wonder what Cyn and Anna had planned out for them to wear. I walked out of the room and found Anna in a yellow floral print sun dresses and a matching sun hat to go along with it. She had fixed a brown wig reaching about mid arm and a pair of sunglasses just like Cyn. I swear I saw the hat before, but where?

"Paul? Are ya home?" Anna giggled and waved a hand in front of me. I instantly snapped out of my trance.

"Wha...what? Oh, sorry.'s just, you look beautiful." Anna blushed and smiled shyly.

"Thank you, Paulie." With that we went down the stairs to pack our bags in my car.


"We're here!" I chimed. We both stepped out of the car and walked into the studio. I had a nervous feeling in my stomach, I didn't want the lads or even Eppy to freak about me bringing Anna along on tour.

"What will they say about me?" Anna asked me, taking off her sunglasses.

"I don't know but since all the boys already met ya, hopefully Eppy wont be too harsh." She nodded and followed behind me into the studio.

"Anna!" Ringo and George ran up to Anna and pummeled her in a huge hug.

"Hi guys." She replied rather shyly. That was until Brain walked in. All the lads, including me, straightened ourselves out while Anna turned a deep shade of red and took her hat off.

"Guys, who's this?" The lads muttered different answers while looked him in the eye.

"Uh, she's girlfriend." I blurted rather quietly.

"Your what?" Brain turned his attention to me.

"My girlfriend." I said more confidently. "I met her while I was out."

"So that's who Anna was. Okay. Anyway, get out your cars, boys, everyone's here and we need to go. The interview is cancelled due to the flight, so lets go."

*** Getting on the Plane***

The screams were muffled as soon as the door to the plane was shut tight. Anna found a seat for the both of us as far away from John as possible. I felt bad that Anna and John got off to such a bad start that she won't even look at him. It seems to have an affect on him as well.

As Anna slipped in to the window seat, I took my seat seat beside her. I glanced at her for a moment when I saw her grin. I looked away and watch everyone else get into seats. Ringo with George, as always, and Brian with a couple others at the front.

I felt Anna slip her hand into my mine. I smiled and looked over at her.

"What are ya doin', love?" She looked up into my eyes quickly before the stared out the window, looking out at the sky as we took off. The screams finally died down.


"Paul?" Anna called to me sleepily. I looked at her as she snuggled into my side.

"Yes, love?" She wrapped an arm around me while the other was still in my hand.

"Did you really mean what you said? About me being your girlfriend?" I nodded as she yawned. My smile still stretched across my face.

"Yes. Are you okay with that?" She nodded.


"I love you Anna." I told her.

"I love you too." She said before drifting off to sleep.

I smiled and thought if I should tell her what she said when she woke up.

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