New school

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Clary's pov
"CLARY WAKE UP"it was jocylen. She is probably waking me up for school.
I hate going to a new school. I don't see the point in going to school if im just going to bullied there. Though i dont know what this school is like and how the students are im not so excited.
Or even a little bit excited. PERIOD.
I walk downstairs to get some breakfast .
"So? Are you excited for your first day in school?" Luke said. He tries so hard to be the caring and loving father i have always friends. " i try to sound as cheerful as possible.
I grab an apple and head for the front porch where i find Simon waiting for me there. Simon loves next door and over the summer we became best friends.
"Hey Fray " he says " ready for school?"
"Umm yeah i guess" he put his arm around my shoulder and we head towards the school which is a ten minute walk from my house.
Im starting to think that what Simon and i share is more than just friends. Or so i wish.
Simon helps me out in school with getting my schedule:



..lunch break..




"Great! We have almost all classes together except math and spanish." Simon exclaims then leads me across the hall to my locker. To my surprise his locker is just one locker away from me.
"Simon do you think im weird" i ask out of nowhere.
"By the angel Fray what's wrong with you?!" He exclaims " of course you're not weird. You're Clary the cutest and sweetest red head I've ever met and will ever meet. Girl have a little self- confidence." He says in mocking girlish way.
"I dont think this school allows gays" Im startled and almost trip at that sound when two silk hands break my fall"
"New girl. Huh?" He says.
I nod, still in his arms.
He helps me stand still and take his hands away.
"Name's Jace Wayland" he says."welcome to Idris High"
What do you guys think? Too cliché?
Ill make sure to prop up new ideas. Dont get bored just yet. :)

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