Chapter 3: A Detective's Pursuit?

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Olivia arrived at Bradwest Street, Roseley's tenement. It is an area with old-architecture-built houses and a few small retail shops. People living in this area are people from faraway areas who work in the city. Olivia went to the house as asked by Linmen. It was a recently renovated house, and it looked a bit newer than other houses. Olivia knocked on the door, and a few seconds later, a middle-aged woman with glasses opened the door.

Seeing Olivia, the woman looked at her rather curiously.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm Detective Olivia Hooper of the Noirhaven Police Department. May I have a word with you?" Olivia introduced herself. The woman then kindly invited her into the house.

"Why did you come here? What do you want to know from me? Call me Jane." The woman asked Olivia very kindly.

"Mrs. Jane, you must have heard about what happened last night," Olivia asked.

"Um, was that girl's body on the street?" Jane asked Olivia.

"Yes, it's Rosli, who took your rented room, who is dead." Jane was startled, as Olivia said.

"God, I can't even imagine what happened." Jane started screaming and yelling.

Olivia comforted her, explained what had happened, and said that she needed to check their room. Jane ushered Olivia into Rosely's room, and there was nothing of importance there. After asking Jane for some more information about Roseley, Olivia left to go to the Opulent Odyssey Night Club. It was to go there to meet Linmeng and check Rosely's room there. It was still a few hours before nightfall, so she went to the area where Rosley's body had been left.

When she got there, Johnson and another officer were still checking.

"Any clue?" Olivia asked Johnson as she got out of the car.

"I got a little thing. A black old car has been parked here since a week ago. It's not someone here and there, but the cashier said that. I wrote down the details on it." Kay Johnson handed Olivia her notebook.

After reading the article, Olivia advised Johnson.

"I will send two more people to help you. Go to every house and shop near here and see if anyone has seen anything else about this car. Don't miss a single house. There aren't many houses on this road."

Saying she left to go to the nightclub.

Olivia's car stopped in front of the colorful 5-story building called Opulent Odyssey. Decorated with beautiful lights, the building proved to be a place of entertainment. Olivia went to the entrance door, and the security guards there blocked her entry. Olivia showed them her ID, and one of the guards stepped aside and contacted someone inside using their comms. A few minutes later, Olivia was allowed in.

Olivia took a seat at the bar and ordered a spiked Arnold Palmer. Then she looked around to see if Linmeng was there. Young women were dancing, and a crowd was watching them while drinking. Among them, a familiar face was seen. Linmeng was dancing in a bikini. Olivia walked in the direction of where she was dancing, and Linmeng saw her coming and waved to Olivia as if for a few moments. About 5 minutes later, Linmeng came to meet Olivia.

"Why did you come without telling me? If you had told me, I would have been waiting for you," Linmeng said.

"I didn't plan to come today. Can you take me to Rosley's room?" Olivia asked.

"Possible. But we need permission from our boss."

"Okay, take me there. I'll talk," Olivia said to Linmeng. Linmeng led her to the chief.

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