Chapter 9: Secrets Revealed in Lilly's Café

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As Olivia stepped into Lilly's Cafe, an air of urgency surrounded her. Lily, in the midst of her cleaning duties, sensed the gravity of the situation.

"Hello Lily. Is the cafe closed?" Olivia's words cut through the atmosphere.

Lily, still engrossed in her sweeping, replied, "Miss Olivia, what's up this time? Give me a little time while I finish this."

The cafe, a silent witness to many unfolding mysteries, seemed to hold secrets of its own. Lily completed her cleaning, her movements deliberate yet tinged with curiosity as she approached Olivia.

"Is something urgent, Miss Olivia?" Lily inquired, a note of concern in her voice.

"It's not urgent, but it's very important to find this," Olivia responded, delving into inquiries about Lily's past, the inception of the cafe, and how she acquired the land.

Lily, with a touch of nostalgia in her eyes, began to unveil the tale. "I used to work in a cafe. While working there, I managed to save up some money. Then, one evening, I stumbled upon an ad for the sale of land. A phone call later, they offered me this place—land with a building—at an unbelievably reasonable price. I bought it on the spot."

In the dimly lit cafe, the narrative unfolded, intertwining Lily's journey with the cafe and the enigmatic history that now sought answers.

"When I came here the next day, there was a small house here. Inside, it was something like a locked box with documents. There was no key to open it. I took it. After I built the cafe here, I put that box in my safe," Lily narrated, her words weaving a mysterious tale.

"I'll bet the box you're talking about isn't in that safe now," Olivia interjected, a hint of certainty in her voice. Lily, taken aback, registered surprise.

"Okay, let's see," Lily said, leading Olivia to the room where the safe was housed. With a careful twist of the combination, the safe revealed its contents—some money and important documents—but conspicuously absent was the mysterious box. Lily's surprise morphed into distress.

"How did you know this?" Lily asked Olivia, her eyes reflecting both confusion and curiosity.

Olivia, with a calm yet intense demeanor, began to unfold the intricate web of events that connected Lily's land to Professor Presser and the unfolding drama that had transpired since then. The cafe, once a haven of simplicity, now stood as a pivotal piece in a complex puzzle that demanded resolution.

"Bella bought that box from here. Bella was to give it to the man who came to see him," Lilly revealed, her words laden with anxiety. Olivia, sensing Lilly's nervousness, reassured her and proceeded to unravel the rest of the intricate narrative.

Simultaneously, a spark of recognition flashed across Olivia's mind. Lilly had mentioned a past incident involving thieves at the cafe. Intrigued, Olivia inquired about it.

"Yes, Miss Olivia. It happened about a year ago. Anyway, the thieves were caught that day," Lilly disclosed.

"Did you go to identify them? Who accepted the complaint?" Olivia pressed for details.

"Yes, I went. One thief was caught. The complaint was taken by an officer named Elvin, as I remember," Lilly responded.

Acting swiftly, Olivia dialed the police station, reaching out to Officer Elvin. He disclosed that the owner of a small garage, Triver, was arrested in connection with the theft. The address provided was 89 2nd Street, Palm Beach. Intriguingly, he had been granted bail by the court six months ago, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative. The pieces of the puzzle were scattered, yet Olivia was determined to bring coherence to the enigma that surrounded them.

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