Chapter 6: Olivia's Pursuit of Noirhaven's Secrets

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In the fading light of the Noirhaven sunset, Olivia, Johnson, and their team stood before the ominous house No. 25 in Palm Beach. As the city's skyline embraced the warm hues of dusk, tensions ran high. Johnson meticulously combed through a pile of files, unraveling the threads of ownership history. Olivia, armed with a key, approached the entrance, unlocking the mysteries that lurked behind its closed doors.

In the midst of the investigation, Johnson's voice cut through the air with a revelation. "Miss Olivia, I found something. Originally owned by someone named Bunton, the house changed hands four years ago. It's now in the possession of a nurse named Morgane. No other transactions have occurred since then."

Olivia, absorbing this crucial information, directed Johnson further. "Gather details on Morgane. We need to meet her once we're done here. And we can't delay our interaction with the media any longer," she emphasized, resolute in her pursuit of the truth.

As time ticked away, Olivia meticulously examined each corner of the house. The room where Bella had been held captive retained its haunting ambiance, with bloodstains still vivid on the couch and floor. Amidst the gruesome scene, a surprising discovery awaited Olivia—a pair of sunglasses. Recognition flashed in her eyes; these were the distinctive shades worn by the elusive suspect. Olivia carefully secured the item, adding another piece to the intricate puzzle.

The inspection continued, with the house revealing its secrets as noon approached. Olivia, armed with fingerprints and suspicious artifacts, prepared to unravel the next chapter in the enigmatic tale that unfolded within the walls of Palm Beach's foreboding residence.

Olivia's urgency heightened as Johnson returned with Morgana's details.

"Here are Morgana's details." Johnson delivered the information, his expression matching Olivia's gravity. Morgana, a nurse, worked at the small hospital on Arcadia Street. Olivia's mind raced, contemplating the potential connections between Morgana and the mysterious events unfolding.

With determination, Olivia placed a call to the hospital on Arcadia Street to verify Morgana's presence. The tension in the air thickened as they awaited confirmation.

Instructing Johnson to transport the collected evidence to headquarters, Olivia swiftly departed for the hospital on Arcadia Street. The street, nestled among government offices and workplaces, held the key to uncovering the truth.

As Olivia entered the hospital, palpable anticipation surrounded her. She introduced herself to the woman at the back counter, her request to meet Morgana hanging in the balance. The woman made the call, alerting Morgana to Olivia's presence, setting the stage for a crucial encounter that could unravel the tightly woven threads of mystery.

In the dimly lit cafe, Olivia and Morgen sat across from each other, the weight of the conversation casting a somber atmosphere. Morgen, slightly apprehensive, waited for Olivia to broach the subject.

"I'm sorry, Miss Morgen, for interrupting your work. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't urgent," Olivia apologized, her tone friendly yet carrying an underlying sense of urgency.

Morgen, curiosity flickering in her eyes, responded, "It's okay, Miss Olivia. What do you need to know?"

Olivia, glancing around the bustling cafe, suggested, "It's a sensitive matter. Let's grab a coffee at the place across the street. We can talk more comfortably there."

Morgen agreed, and after a quick exchange with the counter, they found themselves in the neighboring cafe, with Olivia ordering coffee for both of them.

"Miss Morgan, I need some information. Can you tell me where you reside?" Olivia inquired, her gaze focused on Morgen.

"With my job demanding proximity, I stay in a room here at the hospital. My actual house is in Palm Beach, but it's currently under the care of someone," Morgan explained.

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