Chapter 8: Mysteries in the Moonlight

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As the night pressed on, Olivia meticulously laid out the plans with the support of Johnson and Professor Daniel.

"Our first task is to uncover who at the Opulent Odyssey Club knows Rosely. We'll head there in the afternoon and then move on to other locations. Linmeng will assist us," Olivia declared, outlining the strategy.

"We'll have to endure a lengthy wait for that," remarked Johnson, eyeing the clock.

"Until then, we can delve into the details of those connected to the destruction of the poison," Olivia suggested, recognizing the significance of such information.

As the city welcomed the dawn of a new day, Johnson and Olivia plunged into the quest for insights into the individuals linked to the eradication of the ricin stock. The unfolding investigation, cloaked in the anticipation of revelations, set the stage for a day brimming with the promise of unmasking hidden truths.

"Each one of them met their end under different circumstances, but the lack of information about a sole casualty raises more suspicions. Initially doubtful, my doubts have only deepened," Olivia questioned, her tone betraying a sense of urgency.

"That would be ex-police officer Gregory. He's not guilty. My father vouched for Gregory, acknowledging him as a good person, though he battled alcohol addiction," Johnson responded.

"A mystery shrouds this situation. We need more insight into Gregory. Are there any relatives or close friends connected to his family?" Olivia inquired further.

"Gregory's house stands at the end of a small road near the newly built housing complex. All the residents on that road, as far as I know, have moved to the new complex. Only Gregory's house and one other remain," Johnson explained.

"Let's investigate that now. By the time we finish, it'll be noon. Then we can head directly to the nightclub and gather the details we need," Olivia declared, glancing at the clock.

"I'll bring the car then," Johnson stated, preparing to lift the stack of files off the table.

"No, Johnson. We'll go on foot," Olivia declared, noticing Johnson's expression darken.

"No need to look so grim, Johnson. We've toiled hard all this time. Let's make a slight change and walk," Olivia responded with a smile, and Johnson readied himself to accompany her. The anticipation of unfolding secrets hung in the air as they embarked on their journey.

The new housing complex stood in proximity to the police headquarters, with its small side road stretching approximately 700 meters. Johnson and Olivia approached the apartment complex.

"No one seems to inhabit this side of the apartment complex," Olivia observed, gesturing towards the few floors bordering the side street.

"Yes, no one lives in this part yet," Johnson confirmed.

They ventured onto the side road. Beyond the housing complex, a bend appeared, obstructed by a tree trunk and some barrels.

"I sense something. Someone is here. Look at the fresh tire marks on this road. Let's continue. We might unravel this mystery today," Olivia commanded.

Following Olivia's lead, Johnson followed, navigating past a barrel that blocked their path. The anticipation of discovery hung in the air as they pressed forward, determined to reveal the hidden truths lurking around the bend.

Olivia and Johnson stealthily approached the two houses at the end of the road, guided by the recent tire marks. One house stood in a state of disrepair, while the other appeared more intact. The evidence of a recent vehicle visit was undeniable.

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