chapter 19- family dinner.

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you where sent to your chambers after the trial to change for family dinner.

you didn't understand why there had to be a dinner, i mean the family obviously hates each other, there was no chance of this going well.

your hand maidens helped you dress. (no pearls though)

you started to walk to the hall were dinner was being held

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you started to walk to the hall were dinner was being held.

you walked into the room and walked to rheanerya, ignoring the stairs form Aegon and aemond.

"y/n.... you look beautiful" she spoke with a delighted sigh.

"thank you princess, where should i sit?" you asked.

"hmm, next to Jace" she told.

you took a deep breath and walked over to Jace.

"y/n" he whispered as if you where a goddess.

he walked over to you and pulled out your chair.

"thank you Jace" you thanked while siting down.

he sat down next to you and everyone gathered around the table.

you stood up as the doors opened and the king was carried in by his guards. once he was placed on the floor everyone sat down.

"it.. gladdens and fills my heart with so much joy..... to see these faces around the table... the people so dear to me in all the world" spoke the king struggling to stay stood as he spoke.

"but to night i wish for you not to see me as your king.... but as your father your grandsire.... your friend... your husband and your brother" the king rambled and you just wanted to die you could tell this was a longgggg speech.

Aegon's POV:

why was she sitting next to him? i was her betrothed we were to be married soon!

my father was rambling on about him not being handsome anymore, he never handsome anyway.

he took of his gold mask and placed it on the table. his face was defiantly not handsome.

His face really put me of my food.

Y/n POV :
After the king made his speech the food was finally starting to be served, it was only starters so I pick out some fruit.

Everyone was happy laughing and being happy for the first Time.

"I wish to raise my glass to her grave the queen" rheanerya stood to make a toast.
"I love my father but i must admit no one has stood more loyalty to him than his side than his good wife" she continued ending the toast.

"Your graciousness moves me deeply princess" the queen replied
"We're both mothers... and we love our children, we have more in common that we sometimes allow" the queen continued.

"Let us have some music" the king ordered

Lively music started to play while we started to eat. Aegon was already sinking into his cups.

"I wish to make a toast to the lady y/n" Helena toasted.
"She will be married soon..... it's not bad at all... but you will have your arguments" she finished
Everyone was silent and deamon let out a little chuckle.
You sat there silent trying to process.

Aegons POV

Why was she laughing... what could he possibly say to make her laugh so beautifully.
I can't help look at her, touch her, talk to her...

Jace POV

Aegon leaned over to me and started to whisper in my ear.
"Of you planing on fucking my future wife I'm sure she can show you where to put your cock and all that...... I think I've ruined her for anyone else" he whispered

Something clicked in me then.. they had slept together. How could she do this.

"You may play the jester if you wish...but hold your tongue in-front of your betrothed" I spoke back spitefully.


Aegon stood up and walked to me to refill his wine.

"I realise that he feels something for you" he whispered
"But if you ever want to be truly satisfied again all you have to do is ask" he continued.

Jace slammed his fist on the table and stood up and aegon akwardly waddled back to his seat.

"To prince aegon and prince aemond" he started
"We haven't see. Each other in years but I have fond memories of our shared youth, and i hope as men we can be allies and friends, to you and your family's good health dear uncles" Jace spoke smoothly.
After he didn't sit in he's seat after tho he held his hand out to me.

"Care to dance?" He asked politely
I felt to ashamed to ask but I saw the look on aegons face and chose to accept to piss him of

"Of course my prince" I spoke innocently.

As I stood to dance he walked over to Helena who was obviously bored. And offered her his hand and she gladly accepted. ( killing 2 birds with one stone)

As is three started dancing we made up our own moves to the dance of dragons.
We only stoped when aemond slammed his fists on the table and lifted his glass.

"Final tribute... to the health of my nephews, Luke ... Jace and Joffrey , each of them handsome wise.... Strong"
A small protest from Alice t didn't do anything to stop him.
"Come, let us drain our cups to these three strong boys" he continued.
For some reason aegon stepped in-front of him. He muttered something underneath his breath causing aemond and him to storm out.

A/N: hello!!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I did change a few bits but in the next i chapter viserys dose not die but you will see everything going on !!

Don't forget to vote and comment I would love to here your thoughts so far and in different parts of the story <3

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