10. Tum hi ho.

335 23 15

• Shubman Gill •

I dressed myself in yellow kurta pajama and looked at the mirror. I smiled as I thought that Today is the beginning of the week of my Wedding, my and Khyati's wedding.

Like I had never thought that I will get married after my break up but this girl. She changed me so much.

I took the sunglasses from the dressing table and called Ishan.

"Bhai Ready hai?" He asked "han bhai ajao."

Ishan and Abhishek came immediately and we all went to the garden where the Haldi is going to be.

We are in my house Garden. The background is filled with people chattering and some soft music, I looked around to scan the whole area but didn't find her.

As I was searching Khyati, I heard something from behind and turned to look at Inayat in Shagun arms.

Inayat was giggling, "Can I?" I asked, Shagun nodded with a smile.

"Shagun, where is she?" I asked "I'll be back with her!" I smiled and went to Mom and dad with Inayat.

"I was literally wrong when I said how can Shub marry a girl with a baby, I am literally so happy that Shub decided to accept her with Ayat!" Maa said as she took Inayat in her arms. "This is love!" Shahneel said.

Suddenly song stopped playing, and I turned around to look at the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

Khyati, she wore a yellow suit with lily flowers in her hair, some yellow-white bangles and black sunglass.

She came with Shagun and her mother and smiled at them.

She came to me but was still far from me as she looked up at me, she lowered her sunglasses and I went back to the first day I met her.

She had lowered her sunglasses at that time too.

I lowered my glasses and looked in her eyes, all I could sense was nervousness and anxiety in her eyes.

"It's fine, we can do this. I'm here. Always and Forever with you." I looked at her.

I winked at her. She nodded and came towards me.

I looked at her hands they were in fists, I touched her as I knew they are shaking she slowly placed her hands on mine. Yes they were trembling, I held her hands tightly and looked in her eyes.

I took her hands in front of my lips and asked for permission, she nodded and I placed my lips on her hand and soon they stopped shaking. We both smiled looking in each other's eye.

"You look Beautiful Khyati." I whispered and I could feel her cheeks go red. "Thanks, you too look handsome." I nodded with a smile.

We sat on chair as the ceremony started. People started applying haldi on us.

I was glancing at her in between and I knew she was enjoying the rasam now.

Shagun went to Khyati and rubbed haldi on her pink cheeks and then came to me.

"Lucky you to marry her!" She laughed "I know!" I said and joined her laugh.

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