14. Kahin To Hogi Woh.

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• Shubman Gill •

I opened the door to see chaos on my door. "Kya yaar Shub, itni late open kiya. We are already tired." Ishan said "Tired of what? Is it because of her?" I smirked as he came in "Shut up!" He said and came in.

"You both." Abhishek face palmed himself as he closed the door after Shagun.

Shagun went and hugged Khyati. We all were now settled in the living area.

Ishan, Abhishek and Shagun came for the dinner this night. We have decided to have a last get together before IPL as it is starting in a month and we have to report to the camps next week. So here we are.

"Hey Shub, I've to say this, you are lucky to have Khyati as your wife. No one would have endure you like her." Ishan said as he jumped on the couch. "Think about yourself. Who will tolerate you? Her?" I teased Ishan as he glared me.

"Will you stop teasing me? If you want to hear abuse from me you can simply say it." He said.

"Okay stop you two. But Ishan why are you getting angry on the name of her?" Shagun said. "Oh wait, nobody took her name. The game is going on with 'her' and 'her' who is she?" Khyati said.

I looked at Khyati and then at Ishan and then everybody laughed except Khyati and Shagun.

"There is no her, it's HIM." I said and laughed with Abhishek as Khyati and Shagun took a glance at each other.

"Basically, Abhay was messaging Ish for like a month or so in Pari's character. Pari is a fictional character. We both were messaging him in the name of some pari. And he was so in love with the her, the character." Abhishek said with a laughter.

Khyati looked at me and then burst out laughing. "Oh my god, I'm feeling so bad for Ishan." Khyati said.

"No you should not Khyati." I said and laughed.

"Enough of you two." Ishan said but we all were still laughing.


We were at the dining table, all talking and having fun. Khyati and Shagun had went in the kitchen to do some last minute garnishing.

I looked at Ishan and Abhishek as they played with Inayat. I smiled looking at them. Time is changed, where few months ago I used to get frustrated from people whenever they used to talk with me. I hated everyone and everything. And now look at me. Everything is changed just because of the woman that has entered my life. My wife.

I got up and made my ways to the kitchen, I stopped as I heard my name. "Shubman has been a blessing for sure, Shah. I feel so safe and happy around him. It's like my life has been changed so much." Khyati smiled widely "I told you." Shagun shrugged with a smile.

I smiled and went in. Khyati looked up and smiled. "Shagun, Abhay is calling you." I lied. Shagun nodded and went away.

"Need help?" I asked and stood with Khyati. "Nah everything is ready. Oh ya, place that into the tray and get it to the table." I nodded and did what she said.


"Bye baby, see you in Ahmedabad." Ishan said. "Bhai, stop he is married now." Abhishek said and Khyati laughed. "So what sharing is caring na Khyati?" Ishan asked "NOO! I can't, sorry." Khyati came and grabbed my bicep. Ishan frowned and Khyati laughed.

We laughed our lungs out today, We all were so happy together. I hope it lasts forever.

I jumped on the bed and looked at Khyati, she was making Inayat wear her night suit.

She came and sat on the bed. "Should I prepare her milk bottle?" I asked. "No, I'll feed her today. It's been more than a week that she didn't got, you know." I nodded and got up and went in the balcony as Khyati fed Inayat.

The cold breeze hits my face as I closed my eyes. "NOO! I can't, sorry." I remember the words she said when Ishan asked her to share me. I smiled.

Someone came and placed their arm on my shoulder. "Smiling huh? What are you thinking about?" Khyati came and stood beside me.

"You." Khyati shook her head and smiled. "Ayat is asleep?" I asked and she nodded.

"Shubman?" I looked at her as the moonlight rested on her face. She looked like a moon.

"Ishan told me that how you used to be an arrogant man but now look at you. I changed you." Khyati pulled her collar up in pride and I smiled.

"Yes, you changed me. And I'm not joking." I smiled at her and she looked in my eyes and smiled.

"Okay I'm feeling cold, shut the window and come inside." Khyati went back in the room.

Khyati went into another room and came back with a book in her hand.

"I'm not feeling sleepy so I'll read a book." She said while opening the book in her hand. "Ok, but I'm feeling sleepy. Good night sunshine." I laid on the bed.

Khyati looked up from the book as soon as she heard sunshine. But I had closed my eyes to which she didn't responded.I placed my arm on Inayat and drifting off to sleep.

I opened my eyes and looked over to see Khyati with eyes closed and a book in her hand.

I looked at the clock it was 5 in the morning. Oh god Khyati.

I got up and placed her things on the table and pulled Khyati up in my arms in bridal style and placed her beside Inayat. I brushed off the little hair from her face as Khyati held my hand and hugged it. She was asleep and held my hand like a teddy. I smiled to my sunshine. I tried pulling my arm away but as soon as I was pulling, Khyati's sleep was breaking so I sat like that for half an hour, looking at her.

I can look at her for hours and cannot get tired, she looked so cute while sleeping. My eyes started to get closed and soon I drifted to sleep.

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