24. Khuda Bhi.

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•Khyati Parmar•

I looked up at Avya as she scratched her forehead with her index finger. "Avya,what happened? Is something wrong?" I said.

"Khyati, I want to tell you something!" She said. "Ya, so! What it is about?" I said taking a sip of my tea.

She looked up. "It's been 5 months since the shooting has ended, and you remember na Krish who was financing our movie?"

I nodded. Avya sighed and said "I got a call from him a week ago, he refused to finance our film-"

"WHAT? Are you serious?" I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Khyati, do you really think I can joke about our movie?" I got up and started walking her and there.

"But what's the problem? The announcement has been made. Everything is fine and good then what's his issue?" I nearly yelled.

"Khyati, we need to find another financier! I can't work with him." She said, I stopped and walked up to her.

"Did he did something to you?" I asked and she broke down in tears.

"Avya what happened?" I caressed her back.

"He..he touched me with.." she sobbed in my arms. I closed my eyes. "When I refused, he said he won't finance our movie."

"Fucking bastard, I knew this!" I shouted.

I caressed her till she stopped crying and then she sat legs crossed and looking down.

I paced around the room thinking what to do, when Avya said "Khyati, Its over! Even if we try contacting another financier, he or she will reject us. Its my first picture that I've directed, it's your first book that is going to be on big screens. No one will help us." She cried. I immediately hugged her.

"No Avya, nothing is over I'll do something!" I said and she nodded.


Shubman opened the door and kissed my cheeks and I slowly smiled. "Inayat?" "She slept playing with me." I nodded and went in the bedroom and looked at Inayat sleeping peacefully.

"How was your day?" He asked giving a glass of water to me. "Okay." I said and refused the water. He came and sat beside me on the bed.

"What happened love?" He caressed my cheeks and then I broke down in tears. I hugged him and told him the story.

"Arey, it's fine love. I'll do something about this. No need to worry." He said and I looked up.

"Really?" I asked "Yes, I've a school friend in bollywood that would help us." He said "Stop crying because you look so cute. I don't know what I will do." I looked at him and burst out laughing.

"Acha now tell me, Inayat's birthday is in a week, do you have plans?" He asked.

"It's not just Inayat's birthday. It's my Inayat and her paa's birthday." I exclaimed and he smiled, showing off his dimples.

"You remember huh?" He asked "No, Abhay told me this morning." I said and he made a pout. "Arey I'm kidding. How can I forget my husband's birthday huh?" I smiled.

"Well, then you should also know what is the charge of 'joking' with me." He smirked at me.

"No Shub na not now." I tried running away from him but he caught me and then tickled me till I had water in my eyes by laughing.


I shoot a glare at Shubman and he gulp down his saliva looking at me.

We are here in Ayush Pandey's house. Who is a well known financier of hit movies in bollywood and a childhood friend of Shubman. But this Ayush is getting in my veins and Shubman need to do something.

"But Ayush, you are my childhood friend. If you will not help me then who will?" Shubman laughed and then stopped when he got another glare from me.

"See Shub bro, yes I know you since we were 13 but now we are grown up na. And you toh know na ki I'm a well known financier of bollywood and her movie's shooting has also ended, they just want a financier so that they can have a fame no!?" Ayush said.

"And also, this Avya and Khyati both are new. That's why I WILL take my share 70 percent baki ka is director ko aur is writer ko. Aur vese bhi mere bina is industry main koi new banda nhi chalta" Ayush said pointing at Avya and me with a scoff.

"Ayush, in your limits! She is my wife and Avya is my friend. They have done everything. The shooting and paid every cast and crew. Now you are telling they will get only—

"Ayush, you maybe a famous financier without which a movie can't be on screens. But Khyati Parmar Gill will make this happen without YOU. 3 months. In 3 months our movie will be in theatres and you will come to see. Note this down." I got up and walked out of his house while Shubman and Avya followed me to the parking lot.

I sat on the passenger seat with Inayat while Shubman sat on driving seat and Avya on back seat.

I looked at Shubman when I hear him laughing.

"Khyati, I am so proud of you! You answered Ayush bluntly! That was so good!" Shubman continued to smile.

"Ya Khyati. But without a financier how will we release our movie?" Avya asked. "Oh ya Khyati, woh bhi in 3 months?" Shubman said.

"Do you guys believe me?" They both said 'Of course' in unison.

"Then see what I'll do!" I said and smirked.


"Khyati Parmar Gill, huh?" Shubman raised his eyebrows with a smirk. I looked up and sensed his intentions. I nodded and he came and stood close to me and placed his arms on my lower back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer.

"Acha? Did you liked it?" I asked and looked in his eyes.

"I loved how you described yourself, adding the 'Gill' in your beautiful name." I laughed and he placed his lips on mine. I could feel the love in the motion of him grabbing me close to him not leaving any space between us.

I gasped when I hear Inayat giggled looking up at her mom and dad. I pulled away and looked away from Inayat in shame.

"Haw, look what your mumma is doing with you paa. How can you forget about your daughter wifey?" Shubman dramatically said.

"Please Shubman." I laughed and sat down on the bed taking Inayat in my hands.

"Next time make sure she is sleeping before doing anything." I said.

"Anything?" Shubman smirked and I hit his chest playfully and he laughed.

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