Chapter 22 Jealousy

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A week went by. I didn't leave the room during that whole week. But I could use my magic in the room, so I would summon things from home to me for things to do and also send daily notes to Saida that I was alright. Aideen and Kyle would come and keep me company on occasions, however the conversations turned more often than not awkward eventually.

Aideen was always full of life. She was happy and cheerful, though she would always turn extremely thankful at any sign of kindness. It made it clear to me that her life before had to have been quite shit.

I liked her and we got along well.

Problem was that she would often mention the vampire and how great she thought he was. Every time she did, I wouldn't do anything to hide my exasperation. That in turn would make her annoyed and leave very quickly.

It was similar with Kyle.

He was kind and easy-going. We would talk a lot about food, though cooking wasn't my thing, but eating definitely was. But just like Aideen, he would talk about the vampire in only positive terms. About all of the vampires really. He would claim that he had the best job possible and that he couldn't imagine his life any other way.

I had tried to make him see that he was wrong, but he wouldn't budge. It never got to the hostility that the conversations with Aideen gained before being cut short. He would just wave it away with a smile, but there would always be a certain level of tension after the fact.

I hadn't seen the vampire that whole week.

It had me in such mixed emotions. I was glad and relieved about it because I didn't want to be reminded of that my mate was a vampire and I also didn't want to be near him. But I was also sad and hurt because he was my mate and no matter how much I pretended not to, a part of me wanted him and wanted him to want me too. Because of those clashing emotions, I let anger dominate. I especially focused the anger towards the fact that he kept me prisoner for no good reason at all.

Aideen was in my room and said something about something great that the vampire had done. Well, she told me about how he had noticed that she liked to read and ordered a ton of books for her. I picked at the food that she had brought with her for me to eat and rolled my eyes at it.

"When are you going to drop that?" Aideen exclaimed in such a fierce voice that I was startled.

"What?" I asked and looked up at her.

"When are you going to stop antagonizing Lamech?" she repeated herself.

I worked hard to resist the urge to roll my eyes again. "If he ever does anything that makes that possible. Highly doubt he will though."

"And what has he actually done to make it okay for you to antagonize him? And don't say that him being a vampire is enough of a reason!"

"What do you think?" I spat back at her, reaching my limit just like she seemed to have reached hers. "He's been nothing but rude and obnoxious! Not to mention that he's keeping me here against my will. Though also not even caring one bit about me! Well, I shouldn't be surprised. Considering how much of my blood he's had, he has to still be full. I bet that as soon as he's hungry again, he'll come and find me."

I felt tears starting to prickle my eyes and forcefully blinked them away. I turned back to the food, a pasta dish, and stuffed my mouth full with some.

Aideen was silent for a long time before finally answering me. "That's not the truth, Crimson. He... He cares, alright?"

"He has a funny way of showing it," I snorted, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"When you were unconscious before... He was so worried. He wouldn't leave your side," she continued.

"Right. He was just worried that his food would disappear."

"It's not like that!" she yelled at me.

"Then why did he drain me as soon as I woke up again!" I shouted back.

We sat opposite each other. Just staring at one another. Both of our bodies were tense and ready to verbally fight the other. But like always, Aideen eventually stood up.

"Can you for just a second consider that there might be another reason?" she snapped at me right before leaving.

I tried to eat some more when I was alone again. But my stomach felt far too upset for that. I really didn't like fighting with Aideen. Both because I liked her, but probably also because I was trying to transfer the type of relationship I had with Saida on her.

But Aideen just didn't get it. It wasn't only because he was a vampire that I hated him. It was true that I probably would have given him more of a chance in the beginning if he hadn't been one. But in our interactions, he had only seemed interested in my blood or my body. He really didn't seem to give a rat's ass about me.

I was food and sex to him, but he was my mate to me. So as much as I hated him for everything, a part of me would always love him and that only made me hate him even more.

But... It wasn't only hate that made me angry ever time Aideen would talk about him. There was a much uglier emotion hidden in it all. One that I knew Aideen didn't deserve to be on the receiving end of, but that I also couldn't stop.

He had bought her clothes, books, phone, computer, everything she could possibly need. He was kind and gentle towards her by what she said, and caring. But he was my mate. Mine! I couldn't stop the jealousy I felt.

 Mine! I couldn't stop the jealousy I felt

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