Chapter 86 Back to the Midnight Refugees

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Slowly the euphoria started to ebb away and reality came back. Like that we both laid naked on the ground for anyone to see with dead bodies surrounding us. That we both were in a desperate need of a shower. That both Saida and the vampires had to be sick with worry about us.

I conjured up some clothes for us, since ours were shredded and then teleported us to the clan's house.

"Saida should be here," I told him. "I told her to go her for safety."

He nodded and then his eyes misted over for a moment.

"Second floor," he said and we both started making our way down.

He took me to a room that looked like a small high-class bar with leather couches, high tables, and a bar counter behind which all different types of alcohol I could imagine stood. The room didn't belong in a house and it definitely didn't belong with the rest of the more old-fashioned décor that I had gotten used to seeing there.

Though I barely had time to look around before I had to take a step back to steady myself as Saida flung her arms around me.

"I've been so worried! Why did you take so long? Are you alright?"

She let go of me to take a proper look. I knew I had to look like a mess and her deep frown confirmed it.

"I'm not hurt," I said before she could unleash her worries on me. "It just got a bit messy dealing with them. But there's not a scratch on my body."

"So this has to be Saida," Lamech said to my side and I watched as she turned her eyes to look at him, they widened as she did. "I've heard a lot about you."

"So you're the mate?" she asked and pursed her lips and well... I could see her dissatisfaction. I hadn't exactly told her much about Lamech. But I knew that what I had said, probably didn't have her really approving of him.

"All is fine between us now, Saida," I told her. "We've sorted everything out."

That was at least sort of true. We hadn't exactly talked things out. For instance, we needed to talk about how he had been so against me joining in the fight with the wolves. Though, I guessed his standing on that might have changed after watching me fight earlier. But most importantly, we had both made it clear that we would face life together, not so much so with words, but with actions.

"Doesn't mean he hasn't treated you poorly earlier," she scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Well, Saida, it's not like I haven't not done anything wrong also," I pointed out and cast a nervous glance at Lamech, hoping he wouldn't take what Saida said too much to heart.

"That's different! You can be as rude as you want to anyone, but no one is allowed to be rude to you!"

Laughter came from behind Saida and it wasn't until then that I noticed that both Alair and Stuart were there as well. Stuart had been the one to start laughing, to my surprise. He usually seemed too serious to be the laughing type. But almost as soon as he started Alair joined in.

"I couldn't agree with you more," Lamech told Saida with a wide smile and then turned to me, placed a light kiss on my forehead. I saw how Saida's approval of him went up straight away at his words and actions.

"So both of you are fine?" Alair asked when he had stopped laughing. "You look like hell."

"We're fine," Lamech said and placed an arm around my waist, pulled me close to him.

"And the Starlight coven?" Alair asked next.

"Will never be a problem again," I answered and leaned my head towards Lamech.

"Well, you two better go and get yourselves cleaned up then. No offence, but you stink."

I turned my attention back to Saida. "You need anything? Should we talk for bit? Oh, bedroom!"

I looked up at Lamech to ask him about a room we could put Saida in, but Stuart jumped into the conversation.

"I'll take her to one. On the fourth floor."

I nodded at him.

"And please go and wash yourself," Saida said. "We can talk after you're clean and rested because honestly, I'm not sure I'd be able to have a proper conversation with you while you look like that."

"You sure? Nothing you need?"

"I'm fine," she insisted and to my surprise, she cast a glance backwards, towards Stuart.

And to add on to my confusion Stuart said: "If she needs anything, I'll see to it."

"Okay," I said slowly and nodded. I felt that something was up, had a guess about what that was, but choose not to believe it.

"Come on now," Lamech said and pulled me away from there. "We'll need a proper shower."

We went back up to the fourth floor and down the corridor. When we got to where the room I had been staying in was, I turned to open it, but Lamech held me close and opened the door to his.

"Don't think you'll get to shower alone," he told me in a low voice that had me blushing.

The only time I had a chance to look into his bedroom before had been when the bimbo had been there, so I hadn't really looked. But now as I did, I noticed that it looked almost identical to the one I had been in. For a guest bedroom, it was pretty fancy, but for someone's actual bedroom, it was far too unpersonal.

"Do you really like this style of decoration?" I asked as we walked through it. "All the red and dark furniture I mean."

He shrugged. "I've never cared much for decoration, so I've just gone with the style we had when I grew up. We can change it if you don't like it."

"Well, it's not that I don't like it. But... Do you have any personal things in here at all?"

I looked around more carefully, but I really couldn't see any. Not so much as a trinket or photo or anything.

He gave me a crooked smile before kissing my lips lightly. "I've never had any reason to spend much time in here, not needing to sleep and all."

"Oh, I didn't think about that."

"Now I have a very good reason to spend more time in here though," he added and got me up against the wall, kissing me with a similar intensity that he had before and I couldn't stop myself from kissing back with the same amount of passion. The shower wasn't going anywhere anyway.

 The shower wasn't going anywhere anyway

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