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"Some curse that this castle has". Said Yuko

"I agree this is a pretty but strange place". Said Mia

"No wonder it is far away". Said Yuko

As they were exploring more of the castle both Yuko and Mia felt goosebumps when they were walking around while Mo was putting his hand on his waterglade walking behind both Mia and Yuko

"Mo hurry up your slow self". Said Yuko

"If you guys fight again I will splash you both with water from my water glade". Said Mia m

As they kept walking around until they got to another dead end

"Oh come on another dead end I swear we been walking in circles I am tired now". Said Yuko as she sat down on the ground then Mia And mo did the same thing

"Gosh such a big palace I am going to get out easily if I ever lived here". Said Mia

"I agree Mia it's such a huge palace". Said Mo

"Gosh I wish that we brought food or at least water with us". Said Yuko

"We just left and now we are hungry ". Said Mo

"It's our fault that we just fly here and now we don't know where the elf palace is since we didn't leave marks". Said Mia

"I am also getting sleepy ". Said Yuko

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