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"Keep leading us Mo". Said Mia

"I am leading you guys". Said Mo

"I swear if it's a dark elf I am going to scream very loudly". Said Yuko

Suddenly the noise went away

"What the heck". Said Mia and Mo

"Okay that was weird and now I scared". Said Yuko

"I am now officially confused about this place". Said Mia

"I been confused about this place for a while now glad you agree with me Mia". Said Mo

"Keep your waterglare out in case if it's a dark elf". Said Yuko

"I don't know if it's a dark elf but I agree!" Said Mia

As they were walking slowly through the hall they came across some frozen statue that looked at Queen Stacey and king Theo

"Oh my gosh". Said Mo

"We totally need to tell Mo's parents about this". Said Yuko

"Agreed but I don't know we remember the way out". Said Mia

"I remember the way out now everyone follow me". Said Yuko

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