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"Let's try again". Said Mo

"Nah it's not worth and we might lose our strength". Said Yuko

"Any ideas?" Asked Mo

"Just sit down and don't worry we will think of ideas soon but we are too weak right now without any water or food". Said Mia

"Only if we were smart enough to bring food and water". Said Yuko

"We did rush and  just flew here but still it's my fault that I didn't remind us". Said Mo

"Either way what are we going to do?" Asked Yuko

"I have no clue we can't open the doors but if we explore more maybe we can find something that we can eat". Said Mia

"I don't know if we should just keep exploring". Said Mo

"I mean we did explore but we found rooms that can't open". Said Yuko

"We might find more rooms that can't open". Said Mo

"You guys are right about finding rooms that can't open but it's the only choice we have and besides if the dark elves attack we don't have the ability or strength to fight back". Said Mia

"You do have a point Mia. Mo's parents did say that dark elves have been looking for this place for a while". Said Yuko

"I still don't know about exploring more I have a bad feeling about this place". Said Mo

"Be quiet Mr.Protective we desperately need food right now". Said Yuko

"Don't all palaces have kitchens?" Asked Mia

"Yeah of course all palaces have kitchen maybe this one has one too!" Exclaimed Yuko

"Guys this isn't like home we have no idea where the kitchen is at". Said Mo

"Let's just try to find it". Said Mia

"Guys it's a bad idea". Said Mo

"Be quiet Mo we aren't listening to you anymore let's go and find the stupid kitchen I am very hungry". Said Yuko

Without any words Mo followed Yuko and Mia who were walking fast then him he started running to them

"Guys slow down I can't keep up". Said Mo

"We are walking and stop running Mo it could alert someone and we don't need to get into a fight". Said Yuko

As they were walking Mo started to get more paranoid about everything and started to see weird stuff. After they finally found the kitchen after being paranoid and seeing weird stuff Mo fell on the floor

"So dramatic". Said Yuko as both her and Mia laughed at Mo falling on the floor

"Guess he became paranoid as we were walking". Said Mia

"I guess besides the weird things and the locked doors I would actually live here". Said Yuko

"I agree this palace is very beautiful before being abandoned by their king and queen". Said Mia

"Maybe their heir was lost before they got frozen". Said Yuko

"Maybe they have an heir". Said Mia

"What should we tell Mo after he wakes up?" Asked Yuko

"We should just act like he fell on accident and not say a word to confuse him". Said Mia

"Good idea Mia! Let's do that!" Said Yuko

After Mo wakes up

"You are so dramatic Mo". Said Yuko

"How did I faint?" Asked Mo

"We have no idea you did it on your own". Said Mia

"Yea it was all you and not us". Said Yuko

"I am not joking around Yuko". Said Mo

"I didn't do anything you can ask Mia". Said Yuko as Mo looked at Mia

"It was true and like Yuko said you are dramatic". Said Mia

"Are you guys sure?" Asked Mo

"Yes Mr.Dramatic we are sure you fainted by yourself we didn't do anything or joked around". Said Yuko

"So now that we arrived at the kitchen what should we do?" Asked Mo

"Look for food". Said Yuko as she and Mia started to look around

"What if the food is poisoned? I am not eating that". Said Mo

Yuko hit back of Mo's head

"Will calm down you if we have some ingredients I will make my famous soup that isn't poisonous". Said Yuko

"This castle has done made Mo paranoid and thinking that the food is poisoned". Said Mia

"It has anyways I found some vegetables you and Mo go and sit down I will make the soup". Said Yuko

As Yuko started to make the soup both Mo and Mia made an conversation with each other as they waited

"What if the lost king and queen were your parents?" Asked Mo

"Then I ask your parents help how to rule a kingdom and I won't understand why my parents left me in the first place". Said Mia

"Honestly they might have a good reason I mean they were attacked and targeted by the dark elves". Said Mo

"I mean I do understand their reasoning but I just felt lonely without them". Said Mia

"I mean you have me and Yuko but I see what you are saying a parents love is very important and very loving". Said Mo

"At least you have parents that love you I never knew mine or met them". Said Mia

"Think about happy times like how we hangout and how we met a lot of people". Said Mo

"We did meet a lot of great people and made new friends". Said Yuko as she joined the conversation

"We made new types of memories with them". Said Mo

"True again we did make some good memories". Said Mia

"Mhm!" Said Yuko

After Yuko made her soup they ate it then slept on the floor but Mia and Mo couldn't sleep due to the strange noises they stayed up while Yuko was sleeping

"Did you also hear that sound?" Asked Mia

"Yeah I heard it loud and clear I can't sleep because of that sound". Said Mo

"Same I also can't sleep because of it". Said Mia

"We better not get attacked or killed because we are still a little too weak". Said Mo as he got in front of a sleeping Yuko and Mia

"We better not get attacked Yuko is sleeping peacefully". Said Mia

"Yuko wake up we are probably getting attacked". Said Mo as he shake her then she woke up and the three friends started to put their hands on their water glades while walking around slowly and keeping their alerts out

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