Hanging out

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Natalie's POV
*once we got back to the car we drove and talked about the shoot and how great it was ! I dropped Mads off at sway and I headed over to hype house ! I pulled up the parking lot and I parked my car and knocked on the door and Mia opened it*
Mia:hey Natalie ! *smiles* come on in
Nat:thanks !
Mia:what can we do for you ?
Nat:I need to talk to nick
Mia:ok *yells out nicks name*
Nick:*runs in* what ?!
Mia:Natalie's here
Nick:*looks at me* oh hey ! *smiles*
Nat:hey !
Nick:let's go up to my room it's more private up there
*we went up the stairs to his room and we laid down on his bed*
Nick:so ?!
Nat:I have a question
Nick:I'm all ears
Nat:what are we ? I know this is only new and all but I need to know
Nick:we can be whatever you want us to be
Nat:nick ! I love you alot your handsome and kind but I wanna take this slow
Nick:I completely understand ! I love you to Natalie ! And whenever your ready to date I'll be here
Nat:can we be friends with benefits?! *smiles*
Nick:100% *smiles*
*we decided to watch a movie so I laid down on his bed beside him and he laid his arm around me and we watched the polar express ! Cause it's my favourite holiday movie and Christmas is coming up!! After we finished watching the movie we decided to go get some food so we got in nicks car and we drove to one of the local cafes and headed inside*
?:hey guys ! Table for 2
Nick:yes !
?:we only have outdoor tables available is that ok ?
Nat:that's fine ! Thank you
*we followed the lady outside and sat down and after 10 mins of deciding we ordered our food and we talked about my shoot and that's when I got a message*
Nick:who's that ?
Nat:my manager she got the pics back
Nick:ooh can I see ?
Nat:*shows him* I'm about to post it on the gram
Nick:you look so good nat
Nat:thanks ! *smiles*
*I open up Instagram and I post the picture*

Natalie's POV *once we got back to the car we drove and talked about the shoot and how great it was ! I dropped Mads off at sway and I headed over to hype house ! I pulled up the parking lot and I parked my car and knocked on the door and Mia open...

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Caption:I'm so glad to finally be able to tell you all that I got the opportunity of a Lifetime to work with Dior as they release a new collection !! 🤍 ever since I was a little girl I've dreamt about being a model and here I am ! But my biggest dream was to work for Dior ! And now I'm making my childhood heart burst with pride !! I wanna thank you all for supporting me and helping me reach my goal cause I wouldn't be here without you all 🤍🤍 @Dior
Liked by 14.6M
@Mads.Lewis:my baby
^my angel ❤️❤️^
@Jaden.hossler:I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there in the model industry!!
^i seriously would not be here without all your support Jae🥰^
@Amelie.zilber:ahh this is such a amazing team and brand to work with !! From one model to another I wish you the best of luck Nat🥰
^Amelie !! I love you So so much !!^
@Nessa.barrett:my beautiful bsf
^you are my beautiful bsf ^
@Fan1334:Natalie could run me over with a truck and I'd say thank you
@fan6920:I can't get over that fact that she's 19 years old !!
@fan7293:gorgeous !!!
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*after we finished my meal we headed back to hype house and it was now 4:30 so I decided to head home I said goodbye to nick and everyone else and drove home when I got home I saw the boys in the backyard filming so I headed upstairs and when I picked up my phone I saw my phone blowing up with messages so I opened up Instagram and Twitter and That's when I saw it ! *

barrett:my beautiful bsf ^you are my beautiful bsf ^ @Fan1334:Natalie could run me over with a truck and I'd say thank you @fan6920:I can't get over that fact that she's 19 years old !!@fan7293:gorgeous !!! Load more*after we finished my meal we h...

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Caption:#Nickaustin and #Nataliehossler caught hanging out alone at a local cafe in LA ! Could this be a new ship #nickalie ??
Liked by 8.5M people
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*I slammed my phone down on my bed and I started stressing out ! I headed out to the backyard and the boys were just finishing up filming and when they put the camera away I stormed out there*
Nat:we got a problem
Jaden:what's up sis ?
Nat:I'm on TikTok room
Nat:I'm on TikTok room !
*the boys all open there phones and there jay dropped*
Jaden:I'll call my manger to see if she can do anything can you call April ?
Nat:I can try but I don't know how much she can do about this situation
*I headed inside and called april*
April:hey Natalie ! What's up ?
Nat:April I have a issue
April:issue? What's up ?
Nat:I'm on tiktokroom
April:oh dear ? I'll see what I can do ok
Nat:k thank you so much !
April:I'll be in touch
*I ended the phone call and headed back outside*
Bryce:Nickalie? Like seriously out of all the ship names they could give you
Nat:we don't need any ship names ! We are just really good friends !!
Josh:so really good friends hook up with eachother?
Nat:ok we are friends with benefits I guess
Josh:that seems more like it
Nat:shut up josh *playfully hits him on the shouder*!
Josh:does nick know that this is posted ?
Nat:I don't know , I'm going to give him a call
*I head upstairs to my room and I pull up nicks contact and I give him a call*
On call
Nick:hey !
Nat:have you seen TikTok room ?
Nick:yeah I was actually about to call you about that
Nat:how do we fix this ?
Nick:I've contacted my manger to see what she can do but other than that there isn't much we can do ! Have you contacted anyone?
Nat:I've contacted April my manger and Jaden contacted his cause I'm not sure if April can fix this sort of issue she isn't really used to that you know
Nick:yeah, I guess we have to be more careful when we hangout
Nat:see here's the thing , I'm not scared of paparazzi and Im not going to Stop my life because of them ! So if we wanna hang out we are going to hang out ! I don't wanna worry about them
Nick:I completely understand! But if this happens again or alot of times we are going to have to address something or things are going to get wild with assumptions
Nat:yeah yeah ofcourse
Nick:so we are on the same page ?
Nick:great ! I'll see you soon
nat:yeah ! Bye
End of call
*it was getting late so I decided to call it a night and I  went straight to bed*

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