Chapter 1: Jaydin Silver

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A loud smack boomed across the playground. A boy no older than 5 hit the ground with a loud thud. He yelped from the sudden pain. All the other boys laughed at him, the one who hit him smirking at him. The little boy started to cry.

"Aww look at the whittle baby, crying after just one hit" one of them said.

"What a loser" another said.

"Why do you guys have to be so mean?" He said through his tears.

This boy had messy silver hair, gold colored eyes, light skin, a few scattered freckles across his face and a mark on the left side of his forehead.

The boy who punched him walked towards him. He knelt down and glared at him. He had spiky blonde hair and a light skin tone.

"You're so weak you know, so don't even try to think you'll ever become a strong Pokemon Trainer...Haisha" the boy sneered.

He got back up and started to walk away. The boy got back up.

"Y-You're wrong!" He shouted.

The three boys turned around.

"Huh?" The blonde haired boy said with annoyance.

"I-I will become a strong Pokemon Trainer someday! I-I'll become stronger than anyone and prove you all wrong! S-So just wait Jacob, I'll prove you wrong! And my name isn't Haisha, it's Jaydin Silver!" The boy declared.

The boy now known as Jacob scowled at his words. He turned back around and walked towards Jaydin again.

"This is why..." he said as he clenched his fists.

Jaydin started to shake in fear as Jacob got closer. Jacob approached him with the same hatred in his eyes.

He suddenly started punching Jaydin again. "Worthless people like you shouldn't be allowed to have dreams!" He yelled.

The other two boys ran towards them and joined in the beating. As the sky started to turn orange, Jacob and his lackeys decided to leave. Jaydin was lying on his back with a very beaten up face.

"Remember your place are nothing" Jacob taunted.

Jaydin looked up at the sky, despair covering his face. Once the bullies left, he slowly got back up. He took a deep breath, and started to make his way back home.

He walked by the busy streets of Goldenrod City, no one even noticed him at all. He had a sad look as he saw all the people and Pokémon going about their afternoon. As he walked he spotted some familiar spots. The radio tower which broadcasted soothing music. Nearby he saw some trainers taking care of their Pokémon. He lightly smiled.

'Just wait, when I become old enough, I'll get my own Pokémon and become stronger and prove Jacob wrong' he thought to himself.

He kept walking when suddenly a bunch of people ran past him. He was curious about what they were all running towards so he decided to follow them. Once arriving he saw they were all watching a big tv screen with two trainers battling. Once getting a good look Jaydin's eyes started to sparkle.

A 13 year old boy smiles as a Pikachu lands in front of him. A Mega Gardevoir falls to the ground and reverts back to normal.

"And with that, World Monarch Ash has emerged victorious over Kalos Champion Diantha, maintaining his title!" The announcer said.

"World Monarch Ash sure is tough" someone said.

"Yeah, I doubt anyone could beat him at this point" another person said.

"And he's super dreamy!" A girl said with a squeal.

Jaydin ignored all the comments people were making. He continued to stare in awe as Ash and Pikachu hugged each other.

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